Original Film Posters

Original Film Posters

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 44. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), style D poster, US.

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), style D poster, US

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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), style D poster, US

Designer: Mike Kaplan (dates unknown)

Unframed: 41 x 27 in. (104 x 69 cm)

This US style D poster was created for 'wild' pastings on New York City walls, subways, and temporary structures. MGM commissioned this poster for the film's 70 mm. relaunch in New York City in 1969. Surprisingly, the initial release of the film was not a huge success. There were two 'wild' pasting posters designed for the 70 mm. release, both of which feature the star child and Mike Kaplan's tagline 'the ultimate trip'. This style features the star child floating in an iris. The poster really captured the experimental mood of the time, striking a chord with audiences. The release of the 70 mm. film helped to make it a commercial and critical success. This poster is one of the most evocative of its time.

Extremely rare. This poster does not surface very often, especially in this condition.

Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey is still considered one of the most influential science fiction films of all time.

Film Posters of the 60s, Aurum Press, 1997, p. 88; Science Fiction Poster Art, Aurum Press, 2003, p. 187