Old Masters Evening Auction

Old Masters Evening Auction

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 6. The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play.

Property offered for sale under an agreement between the consignor and the heirs of Jacques Rosenthal of Munich

Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play

Auction Closed

July 6, 06:35 PM GMT


150,000 - 200,000 GBP

Lot Details


Property offered for sale under an agreement between the consignor and the heirs of Jacques Rosenthal of Munich

Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno

Perugia c. 1478 - 1566

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play

tempera and oil on panel, with applied semi-precious stones (some replaced); the reverse painted to imitate green porphyry

36 x 25.5 cm.; 14⅛ x 10 in.




約1478 - 1566年,佩魯賈



36 x 25.5 公分;14⅛ x 10 英寸

Please refer to the online catalogue for updated provenance. This lot should have no VAT symbol in the printed catalogue. The item will be sold under the auctioneer’s margin scheme and VAT will not be charged on the hammer price. Please refer to the printed catalogue for further VAT information

Collection of Prof. Dr. Franz Rinecker, Würzburg (1811–1883);

By whom sold, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 30–31 March 1868, lot 96 (as Bartolomeo Montagna);

Collection of ‘M. Goldschmidt’;

His sale, Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, 14, 16, 17 May 1898, lot 82 (as Montagna of Vicenza [Bartolomeo]), for 1,280 francs;

With W. Dickinson and Son, 108 Wigmore Street, London;

Anonymous sale, London, Christie’s, 14 July 1911, lot 52 (as Montagna, ‘The Madonna and Child, in rich robes; a frieze of infant Bacchanalians below’), for £99–15s. to Agnew;

With Thomas Agnew & Sons, London (recorded in stock book as Vittorio Crivelli, Montagna crossed out);

By whom sold to Jacques (Jacob) Rosenthal, London, on 17 November 1911, for Mark 5,100;

Jacques Rosenthal (1854–1937), Munich;

With Julius Böhler, Munich, on loan from Jacques Rosenthal for exhibition, May–August 1931;

With Kunsthandel AG, Luzern, November 1935 – December 1936 (on consignment from Erwin or Jacques Rosenthal);

With Francis Drey, London, at the earliest in 1937, until at least March 1938, possibly on consignment from Erwin Rosenthal (1889–1981), son of Jacques (as ‘Crivelli School’);

According to family tradition, acquired by the father of the present owner from Julius Böhler, Munich, by 1965.

T. Borenius, The Painters of Vicenza, London 1909, p. 85 (as present whereabouts unknown; formerly Collection of M. Goldschmidt, Paris);

E. Rosenthal, Bilder und Globen im Besitz von Jacques Rosenthal, Munich 1914, unpaginated (as ‘Vittorio Crivelli’);

F. Drey, Carlo Crivelli und seine Schule, Munich 1927, pp. 107–8 and 163, reproduced plate XCV (as the Master of the Strasburg Adoration, Jacques Rosenthal collection, Munich);

J. Böhler, Ausstellung Altvenezianischer Malerei, Munich 1931, p. 5, no. 21 (as ‘Vittorio Crivelli’, with incorrect dimensions: 14.6 x 25.5 cm.);

R. Van Marle, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, vol. XVIII, The Hague 1936, p. 64 (as school of Carlo Crivelli, J. Rosenthal collection, Munich);

R. Van Marle, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, 1938, p. 141 (as school of Carlo Crivelli, Rosenthal collection, Munich);

K.-U. Nielsen, Bartolomeo Montagna. Und die Venezianische Malerei des späten Quattrocento, Munich 1995, p. 224 (as datable to 1510–23; formerly collection of M. Goldschmidt, Paris; current whereabouts unknown; not known from images);

A. Delpriori, ‘Bernardino di Mariotto e la pittura nelle Marche all'inizio del Cinquecento’, in I Pittori del Rinascimento a Sanseverino. Bernardino di Mariotto, Luca Signorelli, Pinturicchio, V. Sgarbi (ed.), exh. cat., Milan 2006, p. 44, reproduced fig. 1, p. 69, n. 12 (as Bernardino di Mariotto [?]).

Munich, Bilder und Globen im Besitz von Jacques Rosenthal, July 1914, (as Vittorio Crivelli);

Munich, Julius Böhler, Ausstellung Altvenezianischer Malerei, May–August 1931, no. 21 (as Vittorio Crivelli; exhibited by Jacques Rosenthal).

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