New Wave Beyond Yuanmingyuan: An Important European Private Collection of Chinese Contemporary Art
New Wave Beyond Yuanmingyuan: An Important European Private Collection of Chinese Contemporary Art
Zheng Guogu 鄭國谷 | Computer Controlled by Pig's Brain No. 137 豬腦控制電腦137號
Auction Closed
October 6, 06:45 AM GMT
40,000 - 60,000 HKD
Lot Details
Zheng Guogu
b. 1970
Computer Controlled by Pig's Brain No. 137
acrylic on canvas
signed in Chinese and Pinyin, titled in Chinese and dated 2007 on the reverse
109.5 by 109.5 cm. 43⅛ by 43⅛ in.
鄭國谷,Zheng Guogu,《豬腦控制電腦 No. 137》,2007 (作品背面)
109.5 x 109.5 公分,43⅛ x 43⅛ 英寸
Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner
Zheng Guogu is one of the most outstanding members of the new generation of Chinese artists whose careers developed after the well-known avant-garde movements of the 1980s and who are influenced by the new ideas, values, and language inspired by popular mass culture and new technologies. Zheng has participated in the Guangzhou Triennial, Gwangju Biennale, Venice Biennale ad Kassel Documenta, and his work has been exhibited in several international institutions including Centre Pompidou in Paris and The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. The present series entitled Computer Controlled by Pig’s Brain uses fragments of texts from pop magazines, comic books and the internet as a reflection of young, popular culture, informed by new information technology. Zheng’s texts are printed in 3D gum characters that are later applied to the canvas and painted. Speaking of his process the artist has said: “I thought it is very interesting to involve computers in calligraphy, because calligraphy typed by computer could be the calligraphy of our age. The texts are written on computer and assembled in stickers, then printed in the form of 3D plastic gums. The characters are taken out and glued to the canvas, then covered with paint. It now takes about one month to produce one piece of work, I also invite some participants to work with me” (the artist quoted in (Jean Marc Decrop, Ed., RedFlag Collection: Zheng Guogu, Hong Kong 2008, p. 34).
鄭國谷是傑出的新生代中國藝術家,他的創作生涯始於二十世紀八十年代,正值中國前衛藝術運動湧現之時,他從流行文化和新科技尋找靈感,將由此啟發的意念、價值觀和新語言融入創作之中。鄭氏曾參與廣州三年展、光州雙年展、威尼斯雙年展、卡塞爾文獻展等國際藝博會,作品也曾於巴黎龐畢度中心和紐約古根海姆美術館等國際機構展出。此作品系列名為《豬腦控制電腦》,運用從流行雜誌、漫畫、互聯網摘取的通俗語句,反思由新興資訊科技建立的年輕流行文化。鄭氏以3D打印的方式製作膠粒文字,貼於畫布後再上色。就其創作方式,他曾說︰「我認為將電腦結合書法是非常有趣的,因為電腦打字很可能就是我們現今世代的書法了。在電腦上打字,組合出黏貼用的字句,再打印成立體的膠粒文字,逐粒貼在畫布後塗上顏料。現在一幅作品需要花一個月左右完成,我也會邀請不同人士與我一起製作。」(引述藝術家,Jean Marc Decrop編,《RedFlag Collection: Zheng Guogu》,香港,2008年,頁34)