Master Works on Paper from Five Centuries

Master Works on Paper from Five Centuries

Eternal Style: A Private American Collection

Giovanni Battista Naldini

Recto: A compositional study, possibly the vocation of St. Matthew Verso: Three studies of the torso of Venus, after the Antique

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July 6, 10:38 AM GMT


8,000 - 12,000 GBP

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Eternal Style: A Private American Collection

Giovanni Battista Naldini

Fiesole circa 1537 - 1591 Florence

Recto: A compositional study, possibly the vocation of St. Matthew 

Verso: Three studies of the torso of Venus, after the Antique

Red chalk (recto); black chalk (verso);

bears attribution in black chalk lower right, recto: A del Sarto

323 by 231 mm

This double sided sheet was most certainly once part of an album, now dismantled. Stylistically it can be closely associated to several drawings now pasted into an album in the Biblioteca Comunale di Siena, which can be confidently attributed to Giovanni Battista Naldini. In the 19th century those drawings were, however, believed to be the work of Michelangelo, as some of the studies on the versos are copies after his sculptures.

Like some of the sheets in the Biblioteca Comunale, which probably originated from a sketchbook in the collection of a Sienese artist or from the Cibo Malaspina family, this drawing combines the compositional study on the recto with studies after sculptures on the verso. Whether, though, the torso of Venus that we see here on the verso was studied after the Antique or from a cast is hard to determine, as the figure is of a very standard type, and even if it was an original classical sculpture, it is very likely to have been restored into a full statue since Naldini made his drawings, making a positive identification virtually impossible.

1. M. Ciampolini, Drawing in Renaissance and Baroque Siena: 16th- and 17th- Century Drawings from Sienese Collections, exh. cat., Athens, Georgia, Museum of Art, 2002, pp. 24-25, figs. 6-7