Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels

Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels

Voir en plein écran - Voir 1 du lot 238. Ruby and diamond necklace, Graff | 格拉夫 紅寶石及鑽石項鏈.


Ruby and diamond necklace, Graff | 格拉夫 紅寶石及鑽石項鏈

Vente aux enchères clôturée

November 9, 08:04 PM GMT


95,000 - 140,000 CHF

Description du lot

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Ruby and diamond necklace, Graff

格拉夫 紅寶石及鑽石項鏈

Set with circular-cut, oval and calibré-cut rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds, length approximately 390mm, signed Graff, numbered, British hallmarks.