Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3700. A white jade 'chilong and elephant' rhyton and cover, Qing dynasty, 18th century |  清十八世紀 白玉螭龍紋象首蓋觥.

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades | 邵維錫藏中國玉雕

A white jade 'chilong and elephant' rhyton and cover, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉螭龍紋象首蓋觥

Auction Closed

October 9, 10:57 AM GMT


500,000 - 600,000 HKD

Lot Details


The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades

A white jade 'chilong and elephant' rhyton and cover,

Qing dynasty, 18th century


清十八世紀 白玉螭龍紋象首蓋觥

20.4 cm

The vessel is inspired in its gong form and design by archaic bronze wine vessels, first made during the second phase of the Anyang period; rapidly replacing the animal-shaped zun vessels. One of the earliest published jade examples, excavated from the tomb of the King of Nanyue in present-day Guangzhou province, dating to circa 122 BC, is illustrated by Peter Lam, Jades from the Tomb of the King of Nanyue, Hong Kong, 1991, pl. D44. Jessica Rawson suggests the possibility that the rhyton form was introduced into China from the West, probably in silver or a precious stone, see Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, p. 71.

This form was revived during the Song dynasty. The Qianlong emperor advocated taking inspiration from antiquity in form and design, proposing to 'restore ancient ways', suggesting that jade carvers turn to antiquity for models, which would enable them to imbue their designs with simplicity and honesty, and so achieve refinement and elegance. The 'ancient ways' referred to the intrinsic values of sincerity, simplicity, and happy exuberance; see Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch'ing Court, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1997, p. 49.

It is very rare to find an archaistic jade rhyton cup carved with an elephant-head such as the present lot, see a closely related pale celadon jade rhyton cup, also with the elephant-head design, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Jadeware (II), Hong Kong, 2006, p.72, no.60. Compare also a related yellow jade rhyton cup but with a ‘dragon-head base, Qianlong period, from the De An Tang Collection, and later sold in these rooms, 13th October 2021, lot 3605.


此類螭龍負皿之式,取自上古青銅觥,屬祭祀酒器,最早見於晚商安陽時期,其出現取代了動物形青銅尊的地位。玉器之例,最早出版見出土於現今廣州地區的南越皇墓,約公元前122年的一件玉角形杯,參見林業強著,《南越王墓玉器》,香港,1991年,圖版D44。羅森教授認為早期的角形杯很有可能是以銀或珍貴石材製成,並由西方引入中國,見羅森著,《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing》,倫敦,1995,頁71。

