HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Day
HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Day
Auction Closed
October 9, 07:30 AM GMT
400,000 - 600,000 HKD
Lot Details
A jade ceremonial blade,
Late Shang - Western Zhou dynasty
商末至西周 玉戈
the long and slightly convex blade flaring gently towards the straight bevelled edge, drilled with a perforation at the tang and another smaller perforation off-centre on the blade, the opaque green stone with brown mottling
33 by 5.6 cm
Collection of Mr and Mrs Richard C. Bull.
Sotheby's New York, 6th December 1983, lot 173.
R.H. Ellsworth Ltd, New York, 1983.
Richard C. Bull 伉儷收藏
Arts of the Chou Dynasty, Stanford, California, 1958, cat. no. 18.
Treasures in America, Virginia, 1961, cat. no. 42.
Chinese Jade Exhibit, Philadelphia, 1962, cat. no. 24.
Selected Treasures of Chinese Art: Min Chiu Society Thirtieth Anniversary Exhibition, Hong Kong, 1990, cat. no. 197.
Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, pl. 10:22.
《Arts of the Chou Dynasty》,史丹福,加州,1958年,編號18 《Treasures in America》,弗吉尼亞州,1961年,編號42 《Chinese Jade Exhibit》,費城,1962年,編號24 《歷代文物萃珍:敏求精舍三十週年紀念展》,香港,1990年,編號197 羅森,《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing》,倫敦,1995年,圖版10:22
Masterpieces of Chinese Art, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia, 1954-55.
Arts of the Chou Dynasty, Stanford University Museum, Stanford, California, 1958.
Treasures in America, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia, 1961.
Chinese Jade Exhibit, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1962.
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, 1963.
Selected Treasures of Chinese Art: Min Chiu Society Thirtieth Anniversary Exhibition, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1990-91.
British Museum, London, on loan, 1995.
《Masterpieces of Chinese Art》,弗吉尼亞美術館,Richmond,弗吉尼亞州,1954-55年
《Arts of the Chou Dynasty》,史丹福大學博物館,史丹福,加州,1958年
《Treasures in America》,弗吉尼亞美術館,Richmond,弗吉尼亞州,1961年
《Chinese Jade Exhibit》,賓夕法尼亞大學博物館,費城,1962年