HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Day

HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Day

HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Day

HOTUNG | 何東 The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung: Part 1 | Day

20 September - 9 October 2022 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 03:15 AM GMT

A silver-inlaid bronze 'tiger head' ornament, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 銅錯銀虎首飾件

101 A silver-inlaid bronze 'tiger head' ornament, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 銅錯銀虎首飾件

A small yellow jade figure of a rabbit, Song dynasty or earlier | 宋或以前 黃玉臥兔

102 A small yellow jade figure of a rabbit, Song dynasty or earlier | 宋或以前 黃玉臥兔

Fu Baoshi, Scholar under the Pine Tree  | 傅抱石  松下高士

103 Fu Baoshi, Scholar under the Pine Tree | 傅抱石 松下高士

An archaic bone carving, Shang dynasty, Anyang period, 14th-13th century BC | 商代安陽時期 公元前十四至十三世紀 骨雕禮器

104 An archaic bone carving, Shang dynasty, Anyang period, 14th-13th century BC | 商代安陽時期 公元前十四至十三世紀 骨雕禮器

A celadon jade pig-dragon, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青白玉小豬龍

105 A celadon jade pig-dragon, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青白玉小豬龍

An inscribed archaic bronze ritual wine vessel, zun, Late Shang - Western Zhou dynasty | 商末至西周 冉母尊

106 An inscribed archaic bronze ritual wine vessel, zun, Late Shang - Western Zhou dynasty | 商末至西周 冉母尊

A fine incised aubergine-glazed saucer dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 茄皮紫釉暗花纏枝石榴紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

107 A fine incised aubergine-glazed saucer dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 茄皮紫釉暗花纏枝石榴紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

A white jade 'phoenix' circular plaque, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉團鳳珮

108 A white jade 'phoenix' circular plaque, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉團鳳珮

A gilt and silvered bronze ‘animal’ vessel and cover, zun, Han dynasty | 漢 銅鎏金銀狩獵紋鋪首銜環蓋樽

109 A gilt and silvered bronze ‘animal’ vessel and cover, zun, Han dynasty | 漢 銅鎏金銀狩獵紋鋪首銜環蓋樽

A jade cong, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 獸面紋玉琮

110 A jade cong, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 獸面紋玉琮

A white jade 'flower' ornament, Yuan - Ming dynasty | 元至明 白玉雕花飾件

111 A white jade 'flower' ornament, Yuan - Ming dynasty | 元至明 白玉雕花飾件

A jade ceremonial blade, ge, Shang - Western Zhou dynasty | 商至西周 玉戈

112 A jade ceremonial blade, ge, Shang - Western Zhou dynasty | 商至西周 玉戈

An inscribed archaic bronze pouring vessel, yi, Zhou dynasty | 周 羕仲侯匜

113 An inscribed archaic bronze pouring vessel, yi, Zhou dynasty | 周 羕仲侯匜

A jade ceremonial blade, Late Shang - Western Zhou dynasty | 商末至西周 玉戈

114 A jade ceremonial blade, Late Shang - Western Zhou dynasty | 商末至西周 玉戈

A pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨四出頭官帽椅一對

115 A pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, Late Ming dynasty | 明末 黃花梨四出頭官帽椅一對

Two gilt-bronze 'dragon' supports, Eastern Han or later | 東漢或以後 鎏金銅坐龍承足兩件

116 Two gilt-bronze 'dragon' supports, Eastern Han or later | 東漢或以後 鎏金銅坐龍承足兩件

A gilt-bronze 'bird' mask, Northern Wei dynasty | 北魏 鎏金銅羽人獸面紋舖首

117 A gilt-bronze 'bird' mask, Northern Wei dynasty | 北魏 鎏金銅羽人獸面紋舖首

An archaic copper-inlaid bronze wine vessel, hu, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅嵌紅銅蟠螭紋壺

118 An archaic copper-inlaid bronze wine vessel, hu, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅嵌紅銅蟠螭紋壺

A celadon jade notched disc, Late Neolithic period - Shang dynasty | 新石器時代晚期至商 青玉牙璧

119 A celadon jade notched disc, Late Neolithic period - Shang dynasty | 新石器時代晚期至商 青玉牙璧

Xu Gu, Chrysanthemums and Peaches of Longevity  | 虛谷  菊壽延年

120 Xu Gu, Chrysanthemums and Peaches of Longevity | 虛谷 菊壽延年

Chen Banding, Chrysanthemum and Sweet Flag | 陳半丁 昌壽

121 Chen Banding, Chrysanthemum and Sweet Flag | 陳半丁 昌壽

A blue and white 'landscape' brushpot, Transitional period | 明末清初 青花山水人物圖筆筒

122 A blue and white 'landscape' brushpot, Transitional period | 明末清初 青花山水人物圖筆筒

A jade 'figure and dragon' plaque, Western Zhou dynasty, 10th century BC | 西周 公元前十世紀 玉人龍紋珮

123 A jade 'figure and dragon' plaque, Western Zhou dynasty, 10th century BC | 西周 公元前十世紀 玉人龍紋珮

A bronze 'feline' handle, Zhou dynasty | 周 青銅獸耳

124 A bronze 'feline' handle, Zhou dynasty | 周 青銅獸耳

A small parcel-gilt silver cosmetic box and cover, Tang dynasty, 2nd half of 8th century | 唐八世紀下半葉 局部鎏金銀鏨花小圓蓋盒

125 A small parcel-gilt silver cosmetic box and cover, Tang dynasty, 2nd half of 8th century | 唐八世紀下半葉 局部鎏金銀鏨花小圓蓋盒

Two miniature gilt-bronze figures of bodhisattvas, Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金銅袖珍菩薩坐像兩尊

126 Two miniature gilt-bronze figures of bodhisattvas, Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金銅袖珍菩薩坐像兩尊

A reticulated white jade 'dragon' plaque, Ming dynasty | 明 白玉鏤雕龍紋帶板

127 A reticulated white jade 'dragon' plaque, Ming dynasty | 明 白玉鏤雕龍紋帶板

A white and russet jade 'bird' pebble, Song - Ming dynasty | 宋至明 白玉雕鳳鳥

128 A white and russet jade 'bird' pebble, Song - Ming dynasty | 宋至明 白玉雕鳳鳥

A huanghuali side table, pingtou'an, 17th century | 十七世紀 黃花梨夾頭榫平頭案

129 A huanghuali side table, pingtou'an, 17th century | 十七世紀 黃花梨夾頭榫平頭案

A carved lapis lazuli boulder, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 青金石雕松蔭樓閣圖山子

130 A carved lapis lazuli boulder, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 青金石雕松蔭樓閣圖山子

A large huanghuali 'mallow' brushpot, 17th century | 十七世紀 黃花梨雕玉蘭花葵口筆筒

131 A large huanghuali 'mallow' brushpot, 17th century | 十七世紀 黃花梨雕玉蘭花葵口筆筒

A miniature white jade figure of a phoenix, Ming dynasty | 明 白玉鳳鳥

132 A miniature white jade figure of a phoenix, Ming dynasty | 明 白玉鳳鳥

A reticulated celadon jade 'dragon' plaque, Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周 青白玉透雕雙龍紋飾

133 A reticulated celadon jade 'dragon' plaque, Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周 青白玉透雕雙龍紋飾

A gold-inlaid bronze oval handled vessel, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周春秋時期 銅錯金夔龍紋敦

134 A gold-inlaid bronze oval handled vessel, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周春秋時期 銅錯金夔龍紋敦

A blue and white 'dragon' dish, Mark and period of Zhengde | 明正德 青花穿花龍紋盤 《正德年製》款

135 A blue and white 'dragon' dish, Mark and period of Zhengde | 明正德 青花穿花龍紋盤 《正德年製》款

A calcified jade 'dragon' pendant, huang, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 鷄骨白玉龍紋璜

136 A calcified jade 'dragon' pendant, huang, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 鷄骨白玉龍紋璜

A jade bangle, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 光素玉環

137 A jade bangle, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 光素玉環

A pair of hongmu waisted stools, 17th century | 十七世紀 紅木束腰方凳一對

138 A pair of hongmu waisted stools, 17th century | 十七世紀 紅木束腰方凳一對

An unusual azurite-painted bronze ribbed vessel and cover, hu, Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周 青銅嵌石青豎棱蓋壺

139 An unusual azurite-painted bronze ribbed vessel and cover, hu, Eastern Zhou dynasty | 東周 青銅嵌石青豎棱蓋壺

A green jade ceremonial blade, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉刀

140 A green jade ceremonial blade, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉刀

A moulded Longquan celadon 'peacock' garden stool, 14th - early 15th century | 十四至十五世紀初 龍泉青釉印孔雀花石紋繡墩

141 A moulded Longquan celadon 'peacock' garden stool, 14th - early 15th century | 十四至十五世紀初 龍泉青釉印孔雀花石紋繡墩

A bronze 'tiger' ferrule, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅虎形鐏

142 A bronze 'tiger' ferrule, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國時期 青銅虎形鐏

A miniature gilt-bronze figure of a bodhisattva, Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金銅袖珍菩薩坐像

143 A miniature gilt-bronze figure of a bodhisattva, Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金銅袖珍菩薩坐像

A jade 'chilong and clouds' scabbard slide, Han dynasty | 漢 玉螭龍紋劍璏

144 A jade 'chilong and clouds' scabbard slide, Han dynasty | 漢 玉螭龍紋劍璏

A silver-inlaid bronze 'tiger' weight, Han dynasty | 漢 銅錯銀盤虎形鎮

145 A silver-inlaid bronze 'tiger' weight, Han dynasty | 漢 銅錯銀盤虎形鎮

A pair of marble-inset huanghuali fluted stools, 17th - 18th century | 十七至十八世紀 黃花梨嵌大理石面坐墩一對

146 A pair of marble-inset huanghuali fluted stools, 17th - 18th century | 十七至十八世紀 黃花梨嵌大理石面坐墩一對

Cheng Shifa, Blooming Flowers |  程十髪 花團錦簇

147 Cheng Shifa, Blooming Flowers | 程十髪 花團錦簇

Shi Lu, Roses | 石魯  月季

148 Shi Lu, Roses | 石魯 月季

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