Hôtel Lambert, Une Collection Princière, Volume III : À travers l’Hôtel Lambert
Hôtel Lambert, Une Collection Princière, Volume III : À travers l’Hôtel Lambert
A male academy standing, his hands clasped together
Auction Closed
October 13, 06:27 PM GMT
1,500 - 2,000 EUR
Lot Details
Attributed to Michel-Martin Drölling
Paris 1786 - 1851
A male academy standing, his hands clasped together
black chalk heightened with white
24¼ in. by 14⅛ in. 61,5 cm by 35,8 cm
Attribué à Michel-Martin Drölling
Paris 1786 - 1851
Académie d'homme nu debout aux mains jointes
pierre noire et rehauts de blanc
24¼ in. by 14⅛ in. 61,5 cm by 35,8 cm
Tajan Paris, 7 May 2010, lot 90
Tajan Paris, 7 mai 2010, lot 90