History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 105. Napoleon I | Letter signed, to Admiral Ganteaume, concerning plans for the invasion of England, 1803.

Napoleon I | Letter signed, to Admiral Ganteaume, concerning plans for the invasion of England, 1803

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Napoleon I

Letter signed, as First Consul ("Bonaparte"), to Admiral Ganteaume

concerning plans for the invasion of England ("...huit heures de nuit qui nous seraient favorables décideraient du sort de l'univers.."), 2 pages, 8vo, integral blank, on headed stationery with engraved vignette, Paris, 23 November 1803 [1 Frimaire an 12], strengthened, weak at folds with neat repairs

"...Je vous ai mandé, il y a deux mois, que je désirais avoir dans le Courant de Frimaire dix vaisseaux de guerre, quatre frégates et quatre corvettes prêts à la voile à Toulon; que cette escadre fut approvisionnée de 4 mois de vivres pour 2500 hommes de bonnes troupes d'infanterie qui s'embarqueraient à son bord...mon voeu serait que cette expédition pût mettre à la voile au plus tard dans les premiers jours de Nivoise.Je viens de Boulogne où il règne aujourdhui une grande activité et où j'espère avoir vers le milieu de Nivose 300 chaloupes cannoniers, 500 bateaux canoniers et 500 péniches réunis, chaque péniche portant un obusier de 36, chaque bateau canonier un canon de 24 et chaque chaloupe canonière 3 pièces de 24.Faites-moi connaitre vos idées sur cette flotille. Croyez-vouz qu'elle nous mènera sur les bords d'Albion? elle peut porter cent mille hommes; huit heures de nuit qui nous seraient favorables décideraient du sort de l'univers..."

[two months ago I asked that ten warships, four frigates and four corvettes should be prepared ready to sail from Toulon. That fleet should be stocked with four months' food for 2,500 good infantrymen who would be boarding them. My wish was that this expedition could get underway no later than 22 December. I come from Boulogne where there is great activity and where I hope to have, come 22 December-22 January, 300 sloops, 500 gunboats and 500 linked-up barges, each carrying a 36mm gun; the 500 boats with canons of 24mm and the sloops each have 3 pieces at 24 mm. Please give me your opinion of this fleet. Do you think it will lead us to the shores of Albion? It can carry 100,000 men: 8 hours by night would favour us deciding the fate of the universe]

NAPOLEON PLANS FOR THE INVASION OF ENGLAND. Following the renewed outbreak of war earlier in 1803, Napoleon began to assemble a huge army in the Channel Ports and a flotilla of ships to carry the troops to England. Admiral Ganteaume, as Maritime Prefect for Toulon, a key French naval base which was the home of many of the ships needed for the invasion, was to be an important commander for the naval invasion.


stamp (lower right) for the Bibliotheca Lindesiana and numbered 305; Stargardt, 26 November 1985, lot 1192

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