History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 112. Napoleon I | Letter signed, insisting on his peace-loving nature, to the Chancellor of the Empire, 1813.

Napoleon I | Letter signed, insisting on his peace-loving nature, to the Chancellor of the Empire, 1813

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Napoleon I

Letter signed, to Cambacérès, Arch-Chancellor of the Empire

written during the temporary Peace of Plaeswitz, indignantly denying insinuations that he makes war his trade, asserting that no one is more peace loving than he and criticising the attitude of the Minister of Police, Savary, Duke of Rovigo, 19th century note at head ("713"), 1 page, 4to, Dresden, 18 June 1813

'...le ministre de la Police, dans ses notes de Police, dont je suis en general très satisfait...parait chercher à me rendre pacifique. Cela ne peut avoir aucun resultat; mais cela me blesse parceque cela supposerait que je ne suis pas pacifique, je veux la paix, mais non pas une paix, qui 3 mois après nous remettrait le armes à la main, ou qui serait deshonorante...faites lui comprendre tout ce que cette maniere de traiter ce sujet, a d'inconvenant, je ne fais pas de la guerre un métier et personne n'est plus pacifique; mais la volonté de la paix, le desir qu'elle soit durable et l'ensenble des circonstances où se trouve mon Empire, decideront seuls dans mes déliberations sur sette matiere...'

This letter epitomises the relationship between the restless Napoleon and the more moderate Cambacérès. Cambacérès was consistently anti-war during his time as one of Napoleon's most trusted advisors and as Arch-Chancellor of the empire; he opposed both the Spanish affairs of 1808 and the 1812 invasion of Russia.


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