History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

Joseph Bonaparte | Autograph letter signed, to Empress Josephine, on the Battle of Austerlitz, 1805


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Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte

Autograph letter signed, to the Empress Joséphine

offering his congratulations on hearing the news of the victory at Austerlitz, and expressing his hope that peace will soon follow ("...Nous avons reçu hier tant de bonnes nouvelles, que le Public avoit de la peine à les croire, sa joie a été manifestée bien vivement, et bien universelment...Nous espérons que la paix ne tardera pas, et que vous rentrerez avec elle à Paris..."), one page, folio, Paris, 26 frimaire an 14 [17 December 1805], very light spotting

The Battle of Austerlitz was fought on 2 December 1805 and marked the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire in what was one of the most significant victories for Napoleon. Also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors, Napoleon took on the joint forces of Austria and Russia in what is now the Czech Republic, and employed cunning battle techniques resulting in the end of the Third Coalition and the signing of the Treaty of Pressburg. Joseph's hopes that this would be the decisive victory and long-term peace would follow were, of course, to be dashed. 


Sotheby's, London, 16 May 1978, lot 34

Sotheby's, London, 16 May 1978, lot 34