History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection
History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection
April 13, 01:13 PM GMT
800 - 1,200 GBP
Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton
Two autograph letters signed, as Viceroy of India, to Sir William Henry Haggard
both marked "Private", regarding the British invasion of Afghanistan, providing an extensive exposition of his views before and after the British invasion of Afghanistan (in November 1878), the second following the defeat of Sher Ali (2 December), reviewing the military and political situation at great and revealing length, retaliating against critics of the war ("Nincumpoops") and justifying his conduct, 28 pages, 4to, Simla and Calcutta, 22 May and 29 December 1878, small tear to Calcutta letter
"...My calculations, thus far, have proved correct. The rapidity of our action has rendered it practically impossible for Russia to rescue Shir Ali...The moral effect...will, I trust, be permanent and far-reaching...the Cabinet [is] naturally & rightly anxious to bring the Afghan Campaign to the earliest possible conclusion...Any other nation in the world would be proud of having established such an Empire as India..."
The Second Anglo-Afghan War was a successful British move in the "Great Game". It resulted in the removal of the pro-Russian Emir, Sher Ali Khan, and his replacement with Rahman, the "Iron Emir", who accepted British control over Afghan foreign policy .
Sotheby's, London, 11 July 1996, lot 360