History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

History in Manuscript: Letters and Documents from a Distinguished Collection

Voir en plein écran - Voir 1 du lot 18. Canada | Letter reporting on the fall of Quebec, 1759.

Canada | Letter reporting on the fall of Quebec, 1759

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Letter by unknown correspondent

newsletter announcing the fall of Quebec ("...La Nouvelle de Quebec rejou'it d'autant plus, que les Francois ont fait debiter par tout, que le Gen. Wolfe avait ete oblige de lever le Siege..."), reporting rumours concerning skirmishes between the French and allied armies, and giving news about the King of Prussia, the French Ambassador, etc., in French, 3 pages, quarto, The Hague, 24 October 1759

Quebec capitulated on 18 September 1759.


Sotheby's, London, 16 October 1978