Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2546. Bian Wenyu 卞文瑜 | Album of Landscapes After Yuan Masters 仿元人筆意山水冊.

Bian Wenyu

Bian Wenyu 卞文瑜 | Album of Landscapes After Yuan Masters 仿元人筆意山水冊

Auction Closed

April 27, 04:56 AM GMT


80,000 - 120,000 HKD

Lot Details


Bian Wenyu

1576 - 1655

Album of Landscapes after Yuan Masters

ink and colour on paper, album of twelve leaves

Signed Bian Wenyu, with a dedication and with eleven seals of the artist

Colophon by Yunzhuang, dated bingwu (1846) and with one seal of his

with one collector’s seal of Tang Han (1816-1882) and one other collector’s seal

23.9 x 16 cm. 9⅜ x 6⅜ in. (12)



(約1576 - 1655)


設色紙本 十二開冊


題跋:道光丙午(1846) 十月觀於囑墨齋之意香書屋。蔭庭計鏞。鈐印:筠莊


(唐翰) 鷦安平生真賞


23.9 x 16 cm. 9⅜ x 6⅜ in. (12)

Please refer to the Chinese Literature.


1) Stephen Little編,《曹氏家族藏17世紀中國繪畫》,洛杉磯郡立美術館,2016,頁290-291,編號34

2) 戶田禎祐、小川裕充編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄.續編》第一卷,東京,1998,頁I-252,圖版A53-035-4

3) 戶田禎祐、小川裕充編,《中國繪畫總合圖錄.三編》第一卷,東京,1998,頁I-259,圖版A53-160-4


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