Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2536. Various Artists (Ming Dynasty) 明諸家 | Calligraphy in Running Script 各家墨跡.

Chinese Paintings and calligraphies from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, Lot 2536-2575 | 郭彞民珍藏中國古代書畫,拍品編號2536-2575

Various Artists (Ming Dynasty) 明諸家 | Calligraphy in Running Script 各家墨跡

Auction Closed

October 9, 03:18 PM GMT


500,000 - 800,000 HKD

Lot Details


Chinese Paintings and calligraphies from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, Lot 2536-2575

Various Artists(Ming Dynasty)

Calligraphy in Running Script

ink on paper, handscroll

(Tang Yin, 1470-1524)signed Tang Yin, dated the first year of Jiajing reign(1522) and with two seals of the artist

(Wen Zhengming, 1470-1559)signed Zhengming, dated bingchen(1556) and with one seal of the artist

(Zhu Yunming, 1461-1527)signed Zhishan Zhu Yunming and with one seal of the artist

(Wang Chong, 1494-1533)signed Wang Chong, dated bingzi(1516), with a dedication and with two seals of the artist

(Anonymous) with a illegible signature

(Wang Zhideng, 1535-1612)signed Zhideng, with a dedication and with two seals of the artist

(Wang Wen, 1497-1576)with one seal of the artist

(Chen Lüduan, 17th century) signed Chen Lüduan and with one seal of the artist

(Wen Zhenmeng, 1574-1636) signed Yaoyuan Yishi and with four seals of the artist

(Dong Qichang, 1555-1636) signed Dong Qichang and with two seals of the artist

with one collector's seal of Zhu Zhichi(17th century), one of Lu Shihua(1714-1779) and one of Wang Yuan(1884-1944)

various sizes





水墨紙本 手卷







(伕名) 閒居少鄰並,草逕入荒園。鳥宿池邊樹,僧敲月下門。過橋分野色,移石動雲根。暫去還來此,幽期不負言。









(王薳) 曾在秋湄山人處

T. T. Kwo Collection of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies, Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University, New York, 3-21 March, 1975, No. 12




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