Fine Books and Manuscripts

Fine Books and Manuscripts

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 42. Milton, John | A title scarce enough to be lacking from many fine Milton collections.

From the Library of Clayre and Jay Michael Haft

Milton, John | A title scarce enough to be lacking from many fine Milton collections

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From the Library of Clayre and Jay Michael Haft

Milton, John

Eikonoklastes in Answer to a Book Intitl'd Eikwn Basilikh, the Portraiture of His Sacred Majesty in His Solitudes and Sufferings. London: By Matthew Simmons, 1649

4to (186 x 140 mm). Title printed in red and black, type ornaments and woodcut initial, front blanks present; inkstain on I4 effacing one word, ink correction on R1v, paper flaw on Ii1.4 affecting legibility. Later paneled calf antique.

First edition. This book was commissioned by the council of state to be written in reply to the widely read Eikon Basilike, which they feared would stir enough sympathy for the executed Charles I that the commonwealth might be subverted. Following the Restoration, the work was ordered burned and Milton was fortunate to escape with his life. A title scarce enough to be lacking from many fine Milton collections.


Wing M 2112; ESTC R202156; Grolier/Wither to Prior 577; Parker p. 963; Pforzheimer 709