Fine Books and Manuscripts

Fine Books and Manuscripts

Fine Books and Manuscripts

Fine Books and Manuscripts

29 November - 16 December 2022 • New York

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Adams, Ansel |  One of 500 copies, signed by Adams

1 Adams, Ansel | One of 500 copies, signed by Adams

Aristotle | First edition in English of Aristotle’s Politics

2 Aristotle | First edition in English of Aristotle’s Politics

Bacon, Sir Francis | A "landmark in the advancement of human learning"

3 Bacon, Sir Francis | A "landmark in the advancement of human learning"

Bacon, Francis | First edition, and the first appearance in print of three of the four tracts

4 Bacon, Francis | First edition, and the first appearance in print of three of the four tracts

Bacon, Francis | First complete edition in English

5 Bacon, Francis | First complete edition in English

Bacon, Francis | A pair of works by the English philosopher and statesman

6 Bacon, Francis | A pair of works by the English philosopher and statesman

Blackstone, William | "A work of the highest importance for the historian and constitutional lawyer"

7 Blackstone, William | "A work of the highest importance for the historian and constitutional lawyer"

[Camden, William] | First edition in English of the True and Royall History of the Famous Empresse Elizabeth

8 [Camden, William] | First edition in English of the True and Royall History of the Famous Empresse Elizabeth

Cather, Willa | A signed first edition

9 Cather, Willa | A signed first edition

Chaucer, Geoffrey | The edition of Chaucer's works which was probably used by Shakespeare

10 Chaucer, Geoffrey | The edition of Chaucer's works which was probably used by Shakespeare

(Chaucer, Geoffrey) — John Wilfred Clarke | A charming illuminated manuscript, with extracts from Chaucer

11 (Chaucer, Geoffrey) — John Wilfred Clarke | A charming illuminated manuscript, with extracts from Chaucer

Coronelli, Vicenzo Maria | First edition of this prolific mapmaker's work

12 Coronelli, Vicenzo Maria | First edition of this prolific mapmaker's work

Donne, John | "No man is an Island, intire of itself..."

13 Donne, John | "No man is an Island, intire of itself..."

Donne, John | First editions of his Six Sermons

14 Donne, John | First editions of his Six Sermons

Donne, John | First editions of the first folio collections of Donne's sermons

15 Donne, John | First editions of the first folio collections of Donne's sermons

Donne, John | The first appearance of his correspondence in a cohesive collection

16 Donne, John | The first appearance of his correspondence in a cohesive collection

Edwards, George | Georges Cuvier’s set of George Edwards’ fine series of ornithological studies

17 Edwards, George | Georges Cuvier’s set of George Edwards’ fine series of ornithological studies

Erasmsus, Desiderius | First edition in English, rarely seen in the market

18 Erasmsus, Desiderius | First edition in English, rarely seen in the market

Froissart, Jean | A primary source for Shakespeare

19 Froissart, Jean | A primary source for Shakespeare

Lichtenstein, Roy, and Allen Ginsberg | Complete set of 10 initialed etchings and aquatints in color by Lichtenstein accompanying Ginsberg's verse

20 Lichtenstein, Roy, and Allen Ginsberg | Complete set of 10 initialed etchings and aquatints in color by Lichtenstein accompanying Ginsberg's verse

[Head, Richard and Francis Kirkman] | Vivid satirical accounts of 17th century debauchery

21 [Head, Richard and Francis Kirkman] | Vivid satirical accounts of 17th century debauchery

Hemingway, Ernest | "The world breaks everyone ..."

22 Hemingway, Ernest | "The world breaks everyone ..."

Henry VIII | A "critical moment in the history of the English Reformation"

23 Henry VIII | A "critical moment in the history of the English Reformation"

Higden, Ranulph | The first illustrated edition of the most influential chronicle in Britain

24 Higden, Ranulph | The first illustrated edition of the most influential chronicle in Britain

Hobbes, Thomas | First edition, first issue of Hobbes's magisterial treatise of political theory

25 Hobbes, Thomas | First edition, first issue of Hobbes's magisterial treatise of political theory

Holinshed, Raphael | Used by Shakespeare as a principal source for many of his plays

26 Holinshed, Raphael | Used by Shakespeare as a principal source for many of his plays

Howard, Robert E. | Weird Tales

27 Howard, Robert E. | Weird Tales

Hugo, Victor | “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”

28 Hugo, Victor | “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”

Kant, Immanuel | Kant's Copernican revolution in philosophy

29 Kant, Immanuel | Kant's Copernican revolution in philosophy

Keynes, John Maynard | Three first editions

30 Keynes, John Maynard | Three first editions

[Langland, William] | The Vision of Pierce Plowman

31 [Langland, William] | The Vision of Pierce Plowman

Lee, Harper | Lawyers, I suppose, were children once

32 Lee, Harper | Lawyers, I suppose, were children once

Locke, John | On "the certainty and the adequacy of human knowledge"

33 Locke, John | On "the certainty and the adequacy of human knowledge"

Lovecraft, H.P. | That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.

34 Lovecraft, H.P. | That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.

Lovecraft, H.P. | The horror in the museum

35 Lovecraft, H.P. | The horror in the museum

Machiavelli, [Niccolo] | "In war, discipline can do more than fury"

36 Machiavelli, [Niccolo] | "In war, discipline can do more than fury"

Machiavelli, Niccolo | "This book carryes its poyson and malice in it"

37 Machiavelli, Niccolo | "This book carryes its poyson and malice in it"

Massinger, Philip | First edition, with distinguished provenance

38 Massinger, Philip | First edition, with distinguished provenance

Milne, A. A., and E.H. Shepard |  Four first editions

39 Milne, A. A., and E.H. Shepard | Four first editions

[Milton, John] | The author's first prose work

40 [Milton, John] | The author's first prose work

Milton, John | First collected edition of Milton's poems and the first to bear his name

41 Milton, John | First collected edition of Milton's poems and the first to bear his name

Milton, John | A title scarce enough to be lacking from many fine Milton collections

42 Milton, John | A title scarce enough to be lacking from many fine Milton collections

Milton, John | “The childhood shows the man, As morning shows the day.”

43 Milton, John | “The childhood shows the man, As morning shows the day.”

Ortelius, Abraham | The world in your pocket

44 Ortelius, Abraham | The world in your pocket

Plutarch — Philemon Holland [translator] | First complete edition of the Moralia in English

45 Plutarch — Philemon Holland [translator] | First complete edition of the Moralia in English

Poe, Edgar Allan | Cornerstone of cornerstones

46 Poe, Edgar Allan | Cornerstone of cornerstones

(Popish Plot) — “D. G.” [Possibly Gilbert Gifford] | On Cardinal William Allen and the Catholic Plot to Overthrow Elizabeth

47 (Popish Plot) — “D. G.” [Possibly Gilbert Gifford] | On Cardinal William Allen and the Catholic Plot to Overthrow Elizabeth

Prynne, William | "Shackpeers Plaies are printed in the best Crowne paper, far better than most Bibles."

48 Prynne, William | "Shackpeers Plaies are printed in the best Crowne paper, far better than most Bibles."

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