Fabergé, Gold Boxes & Objets de Luxe

Fabergé, Gold Boxes & Objets de Luxe

Fabergé, Gold Boxes & Objets de Luxe

Fabergé, Gold Boxes & Objets de Luxe

2 November - 15 November 2022 • Geneva

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A gold and enamel snuff box, Paul Robert, Paris, 1757

1205 A gold and enamel snuff box, Paul Robert, Paris, 1757

A gold and enamel snuff box, Nicolas-Auguste Delions, Paris, 1776

1208 A gold and enamel snuff box, Nicolas-Auguste Delions, Paris, 1776

A gold and enamel snuff box, Jean Louis Bouillerot, Paris, 1775

1209 A gold and enamel snuff box, Jean Louis Bouillerot, Paris, 1775

A gold and enamel snuff box, probably Hanau, circa 1760

1210 A gold and enamel snuff box, probably Hanau, circa 1760

A small gold, enamel and ivory souvenir, probably English, 1775

1211 A small gold, enamel and ivory souvenir, probably English, 1775

A large gold and mother-of-pearl souvenir, 1770

1212 A large gold and mother-of-pearl souvenir, 1770

A gold-mounted hardstone seal, probably German, 1760 and later

1213 A gold-mounted hardstone seal, probably German, 1760 and later

A gold and hardstone 'Steinkabinett'-Bonbonniere, Johann Christian Neuber, Dresden, circa 1785

1214 A gold and hardstone 'Steinkabinett'-Bonbonniere, Johann Christian Neuber, Dresden, circa 1785

A jewelled gold, hardstone, burgau shell, enamel and ivory souvenir, Louis Charonnat, Paris, 1776

1216 A jewelled gold, hardstone, burgau shell, enamel and ivory souvenir, Louis Charonnat, Paris, 1776

An ivory portrait miniature, French, circa 1790

1217 An ivory portrait miniature, French, circa 1790

A jewelled three-colour gold and enamel snuff box, probably Geneva, circa 1770

1218 A jewelled three-colour gold and enamel snuff box, probably Geneva, circa 1770

A three-colour gold and enamel snuff box, late 18th century

1221 A three-colour gold and enamel snuff box, late 18th century

A large gold and enamel snuff box, 19th century

1223 A large gold and enamel snuff box, 19th century

A gold and enamel snuff box, Charles-Alexandre Bouillerot, Paris, 1778

1224 A gold and enamel snuff box, Charles-Alexandre Bouillerot, Paris, 1778

A gold and enamel scent sprinkler, possibly Geneva, circa 1780

1225 A gold and enamel scent sprinkler, possibly Geneva, circa 1780

A gold and enamel souvenir, 19th century

1226 A gold and enamel souvenir, 19th century

A pearl-set gold and enamel musical snuff box, Joly, Chenevard & Jouvet, Geneva, circa 1815

1230 A pearl-set gold and enamel musical snuff box, Joly, Chenevard & Jouvet, Geneva, circa 1815

A musical gold and enamel snuff box for the Ottoman market, Rémond, Lamy, Mercier & Co., Geneva, circa 1815/1820

1231 A musical gold and enamel snuff box for the Ottoman market, Rémond, Lamy, Mercier & Co., Geneva, circa 1815/1820

A gold and enamel snuff box for the Ottoman market, Geneva, circa 1830

1232 A gold and enamel snuff box for the Ottoman market, Geneva, circa 1830

A rare and important pearl-set gold and enamel extending telescope combined with a pocket watch, Moulinié, Bautte & Co, Geneva, circa 1810

1233 A rare and important pearl-set gold and enamel extending telescope combined with a pocket watch, Moulinié, Bautte & Co, Geneva, circa 1810

A gold and enamel snuff box, Geneva, circa 1830/35, for the Ottoman market

1234 A gold and enamel snuff box, Geneva, circa 1830/35, for the Ottoman market

A pearl-set gold and enamel 'form' vinaigrette, Moulinie, Bautte & Co., Geneva, 1807-1809

1235 A pearl-set gold and enamel 'form' vinaigrette, Moulinie, Bautte & Co., Geneva, 1807-1809

A gold and enamel snuff box, Les Freres Toussaint, Hanau, circa 1790

1237 A gold and enamel snuff box, Les Freres Toussaint, Hanau, circa 1790

A gold and enamel snuff box, Joly, Chenevard & Jouvet, Geneva, circa 1810

1238 A gold and enamel snuff box, Joly, Chenevard & Jouvet, Geneva, circa 1810

A gold and enamel snuff box, Remond, Lamy, Mercier & Co, Geneva, circa 1815

1239 A gold and enamel snuff box, Remond, Lamy, Mercier & Co, Geneva, circa 1815

A gold and enamel snuff box, probably Geneva, circa 1805

1240 A gold and enamel snuff box, probably Geneva, circa 1805

A gold snuff box, Birmingham, early 19th century, in Geneva taste

1241 A gold snuff box, Birmingham, early 19th century, in Geneva taste

A chased two-colour gold snuff box, Hanau, circa 1800/1805

1242 A chased two-colour gold snuff box, Hanau, circa 1800/1805

A gold and enamel snuff box, Victoire Boizot (veuve Blerzy), Paris, 1809-1813

1243 A gold and enamel snuff box, Victoire Boizot (veuve Blerzy), Paris, 1809-1813

A cut-cornered rectangular gold snuff box, Paris, 1819-1838

1244 A cut-cornered rectangular gold snuff box, Paris, 1819-1838

A three-coloured gold and enamel snuff box, Souchay & Colins, Hanau, circa 1820/1825

1246 A three-coloured gold and enamel snuff box, Souchay & Colins, Hanau, circa 1820/1825

Two gold cut-cornered rectangular snuff boxes, Geneva and Paris, early 19th century

1247 Two gold cut-cornered rectangular snuff boxes, Geneva and Paris, early 19th century

A gold and porcelain snuff box, late 18th century and later

1248 A gold and porcelain snuff box, late 18th century and later

A gold snuff box, Jean-Baptiste Juin, Paris, 1768

1249 A gold snuff box, Jean-Baptiste Juin, Paris, 1768

A three-colour gold snuff box, Friedrich Fyrwald, Stockholm, 1795

1250 A three-colour gold snuff box, Friedrich Fyrwald, Stockholm, 1795

Two multicolour gold bonbonnieres, Paris, 1784 and later

1251 Two multicolour gold bonbonnieres, Paris, 1784 and later

A gold and enamel snuff box, 19th century in earlier style

1253 A gold and enamel snuff box, 19th century in earlier style

A gold and enamel snuff box, Hanau, circa 1815/20, the enamel plaque painted by Berneaud

1254 A gold and enamel snuff box, Hanau, circa 1815/20, the enamel plaque painted by Berneaud

A four-colour gold snuff box, Souchay & Colins, Hanau, circa 1830

1255 A four-colour gold snuff box, Souchay & Colins, Hanau, circa 1830

A large gold and enamel box, probably Geneva, mid-19th century

1257 A large gold and enamel box, probably Geneva, mid-19th century

A jewelled two-coloured gold and enamel souvenir, 19th century in earlier taste

1258 A jewelled two-coloured gold and enamel souvenir, 19th century in earlier taste

A two-coloured gold and enamel snuff box, Louis Tronquoy, Paris, circa 1850

1259 A two-coloured gold and enamel snuff box, Louis Tronquoy, Paris, circa 1850

A gold, enamel and ivory boite-à-miniature, 19th century in earlier taste

1261 A gold, enamel and ivory boite-à-miniature, 19th century in earlier taste

A large gold and enamel ‘tribute’ snuff box, late 19th century

1262 A large gold and enamel ‘tribute’ snuff box, late 19th century

A gold and enamel snuff box, Paris, 19th century

1263 A gold and enamel snuff box, Paris, 19th century

A gold and enamel snuff box, in 1770s style, probably 19th century

1264 A gold and enamel snuff box, in 1770s style, probably 19th century

A two-colour gold and enamel snuff box, late 19th century

1265 A two-colour gold and enamel snuff box, late 19th century

A small gold-mounted lapis lazuli snuff box, Italian, early 19th century

1266 A small gold-mounted lapis lazuli snuff box, Italian, early 19th century

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