Collecting Across Continents

Collecting Across Continents

Collecting Across Continents

Collecting Across Continents

7 October - 19 October 2022 • New York

Your local time • 16:00 PM GMT

A Spanish Colonial Baroque Metal Mounted Hardwood Casket, 17th/18th Century

501 A Spanish Colonial Baroque Metal Mounted Hardwood Casket, 17th/18th Century

A Japanese Namban Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Casket, Momoyama Period

502 A Japanese Namban Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Casket, Momoyama Period

A Flemish Floral Tapestry Border, Late 17th/Early 18th Century

503 A Flemish Floral Tapestry Border, Late 17th/Early 18th Century

An Iznik Polychrome Pottery Dish, Turkey, 17th century

504 An Iznik Polychrome Pottery Dish, Turkey, 17th century

A Spanish Late Renaissance Wrought Iron-Mounted Bone Inlaid Walnut Vargueno, Late 16th/Early 17th Century

505 A Spanish Late Renaissance Wrought Iron-Mounted Bone Inlaid Walnut Vargueno, Late 16th/Early 17th Century

A Small South German Late Renaissance Steel-Mounted Oak and Ashwood Marquetry Table Cabinet, Probably Augsburg or Ulm, Late 16th/Early 17th Century

506 A Small South German Late Renaissance Steel-Mounted Oak and Ashwood Marquetry Table Cabinet, Probably Augsburg or Ulm, Late 16th/Early 17th Century

A Brass and Pewter Inlaid Ebony Cabinet in the manner of Gerrit Jensen, Early 18th Century

507 A Brass and Pewter Inlaid Ebony Cabinet in the manner of Gerrit Jensen, Early 18th Century

A Set of Ten Chinese Export Famille-Rose Armorial Plates for the Spanish Market Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period, Circa 1769 | 清乾隆 約1769年 粉彩紋章圖盤十件

508 A Set of Ten Chinese Export Famille-Rose Armorial Plates for the Spanish Market Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period, Circa 1769 | 清乾隆 約1769年 粉彩紋章圖盤十件

A Pair of Small Chinese Export Armorial Chamfered Rectangular Platters Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period, Circa 1780 | 清乾隆 約1780年 粉彩紋章圖長方盤一對

509 A Pair of Small Chinese Export Armorial Chamfered Rectangular Platters Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period, Circa 1780 | 清乾隆 約1780年 粉彩紋章圖長方盤一對

An Extremely Rare Chinese Export Later-Decorated Pierced Tripod Stand, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 青花後加彩七角三足盤

510 An Extremely Rare Chinese Export Later-Decorated Pierced Tripod Stand, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century | 清十八世紀 青花後加彩七角三足盤

A Pair of Samson Chinese-Export Style Famille-Rose 'Flower Basket' Vases and Covers, Late 19th Century

511 A Pair of Samson Chinese-Export Style Famille-Rose 'Flower Basket' Vases and Covers, Late 19th Century

A Chinese Export Canton Famille-Rose Soup Tureen and Cover and a Large Oval Platter Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 廣彩人物故事圖湯蓋盌及托盤

512 A Chinese Export Canton Famille-Rose Soup Tureen and Cover and a Large Oval Platter Qing Dynasty, 19th Century | 清十九世紀 廣彩人物故事圖湯蓋盌及托盤

A Rare Large Chinese Export Blue and White Large Oval Wine Cistern Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period, Circa 1770 | 清乾隆 約1770年 青花山水人物圖大缸

513 A Rare Large Chinese Export Blue and White Large Oval Wine Cistern Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period, Circa 1770 | 清乾隆 約1770年 青花山水人物圖大缸

A Large Samson Dish painted in Chinese Export Famille-Rose Style, Circa 1900

514 A Large Samson Dish painted in Chinese Export Famille-Rose Style, Circa 1900

A Large Pair of Imari Vases and Covers, Edo Period, Early 18th Century | 伊万里 染付色絵壺一対、江戸時代、18世紀初| 日本 江戶 十八世紀初 伊萬里燒青花礬紅彩描金蓋瓶一對

515 A Large Pair of Imari Vases and Covers, Edo Period, Early 18th Century | 伊万里 染付色絵壺一対、江戸時代、18世紀初| 日本 江戶 十八世紀初 伊萬里燒青花礬紅彩描金蓋瓶一對

A Large Polychrome Enameled Kutani Handled 'Figural' Vase, Meiji/ Taisho Period, Early 20th Century | 九谷色絵大花瓶 花見人物 錦、龍紋 九谷 秋山製、明治/大正時代、20世紀初 | 日本 明治/大正 二十世紀初 九谷花見圖大瓶

516 A Large Polychrome Enameled Kutani Handled 'Figural' Vase, Meiji/ Taisho Period, Early 20th Century | 九谷色絵大花瓶 花見人物 錦、龍紋 九谷 秋山製、明治/大正時代、20世紀初 | 日本 明治/大正 二十世紀初 九谷花見圖大瓶

A Flemish Baroque Brass, Pewter and Mother-of-pearl inlaid Tortoiseshell and Kingwood Writing Desk, Antwerp, attributed to Henri van Soest, Early 18th Century

517 A Flemish Baroque Brass, Pewter and Mother-of-pearl inlaid Tortoiseshell and Kingwood Writing Desk, Antwerp, attributed to Henri van Soest, Early 18th Century

A Pair of French Carved White Marble Busts of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684)and Moliere (1622-1673), Late 19th Century

518 A Pair of French Carved White Marble Busts of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684)and Moliere (1622-1673), Late 19th Century

An Italian Carved White Marble Bust of Marcus Aurelius, 17th/18th Century

519 An Italian Carved White Marble Bust of Marcus Aurelius, 17th/18th Century

Five drawings mounted as one

520 Five drawings mounted as one

Saint Eulalia and Saint Madrona

521 Saint Eulalia and Saint Madrona

Christ among the Pharisees

522 Christ among the Pharisees

Doubting Thomas

523 Doubting Thomas

Triumph of the Church

524 Triumph of the Church

A Half-Length Figure of a Bishop Saint, Late 17th Century

525 A Half-Length Figure of a Bishop Saint, Late 17th Century

Netherlandish, Late 17th Century

Octagonal still life of flowers in a decorative vase embellished with a Nereid and Triton

526 Octagonal still life of flowers in a decorative vase embellished with a Nereid and Triton

An Apostle, half-length

527 An Apostle, half-length

After Lodovico Cardi, called 'Il Cigoli' (Villa Castelvecchio di Cigoli 1559 - 1613 Rome) Italian, second half of the 18th century

528 After Lodovico Cardi, called 'Il Cigoli' (Villa Castelvecchio di Cigoli 1559 - 1613 Rome) Italian, second half of the 18th century

Écorché Figure of a Man

A Pair of Italian Rococo Gilt-Bronze Mounted Fruitwood and Amaranth Parquetry Commodini, Circa 1760

529 A Pair of Italian Rococo Gilt-Bronze Mounted Fruitwood and Amaranth Parquetry Commodini, Circa 1760

An Italian Baroque Inlaid Marble Balustrade Column, Probably 17th Century

530 An Italian Baroque Inlaid Marble Balustrade Column, Probably 17th Century

A Pair of Large Italian Rococo-Style Giltwood Mirrors, 19th Century

531 A Pair of Large Italian Rococo-Style Giltwood Mirrors, 19th Century

An Italian Rococo Style Polychrome Painted Wood Ribalta

532 An Italian Rococo Style Polychrome Painted Wood Ribalta

A Matched Pair of Louis XV/XVI Transitional Style Tulipwood Dressing Tables, After The Model by Jean-Francois Oeben, 19th Century and Later

533 A Matched Pair of Louis XV/XVI Transitional Style Tulipwood Dressing Tables, After The Model by Jean-Francois Oeben, 19th Century and Later

A Pair of Régence Style Gilt-Bronze Two-Branch Figural Wall-Lights, 19th Century

534 A Pair of Régence Style Gilt-Bronze Two-Branch Figural Wall-Lights, 19th Century

A Pair of George III Enamel Candlesticks, South Staffordshire, Circa 1770

535 A Pair of George III Enamel Candlesticks, South Staffordshire, Circa 1770

A George I Gesso Rectangular Center Table, Circa 1720

536 A George I Gesso Rectangular Center Table, Circa 1720

A Large George II Style Carved Giltwood Barometer, First Half 19th Century, Incorporating George II Elements

537 A Large George II Style Carved Giltwood Barometer, First Half 19th Century, Incorporating George II Elements

A Pair of George II Silver Table Candlesticks, Maker's Mark W.P. in Rectangle, London, 1758

538 A Pair of George II Silver Table Candlesticks, Maker's Mark W.P. in Rectangle, London, 1758

A Chinese Reverse Glass Painting, 19th Century

539 A Chinese Reverse Glass Painting, 19th Century

A Pair of Continental Majolica Large Chinoiserie Figures, Circa 1890

540 A Pair of Continental Majolica Large Chinoiserie Figures, Circa 1890

Two Meissen Figures of Doves, Early 20th Century

541 Two Meissen Figures of Doves, Early 20th Century

A Pair of Meissen Figures of Pugs, Late 19th century

542 A Pair of Meissen Figures of Pugs, Late 19th century

A Pair of Louis XV Gilt-Bronze Mounted Meissen Porcelain Groups, The mounts circa 1745-49; three porcelain swans 18th Century, the fourth of a later date; the bowls late 17th Century/early 18th Century, and associated

543 A Pair of Louis XV Gilt-Bronze Mounted Meissen Porcelain Groups, The mounts circa 1745-49; three porcelain swans 18th Century, the fourth of a later date; the bowls late 17th Century/early 18th Century, and associated

A Pair of Meissen Figures of Monkeys, 20th Century

544 A Pair of Meissen Figures of Monkeys, 20th Century

Two Samson Monkey Teapots, Circa 1900

545 Two Samson Monkey Teapots, Circa 1900

An Empire Gilt-Bronze Figural Mantel Clock, Circa 1810

546 An Empire Gilt-Bronze Figural Mantel Clock, Circa 1810

A North Italian Neoclassical Fruitwood and Ebony Marquetry Games Table, Lombardy, Circa 1800

547 A North Italian Neoclassical Fruitwood and Ebony Marquetry Games Table, Lombardy, Circa 1800

A Pair of Massive French Silver Louis XVI Style Covered Wine Coolers, Boin-Taburet, Paris, Circa 1900

548 A Pair of Massive French Silver Louis XVI Style Covered Wine Coolers, Boin-Taburet, Paris, Circa 1900

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