View full screen - View 1 of Lot 172. A 'U-Thong' style bronze figure of seated Buddha, Thailand, 15th century | 暹邏 十五世紀 烏通風格銅佛坐像.

Property from a European private collection | 歐洲私人收藏

A 'U-Thong' style bronze figure of seated Buddha, Thailand, 15th century | 暹邏 十五世紀 烏通風格銅佛坐像

Lot Closed

April 20, 11:18 AM GMT


3,000 - 5,000 EUR

Lot Details


Property from a European private collection

A 'U-Thong' style bronze figure of seated Buddha

Thailand, 15th century

green patinated

H. 37.7 cm, 14⅞ in.


Collection particulière européenne

Figure de Bouddha assis en bronze de style 'U-Thong', Thaïlande, XVe siècle



暹邏 十五世紀 烏通風格銅佛坐像

Collection of Constant Vecht, Amsterdam.


Constant Vecht珍藏, 亞姆斯特丹

Constant Vecht, was the grandson of Aäron Vecht, the founder of the Kunstzalen A. Vecht, Amsterdam in 1910, and one of the first art dealer to present South Asian art to the Dutch market in the 20th century.

Aäron Vecht had an eclectic taste and focussed mainly on glass, maiolica and Medieval art, but also on contemporary art from both Holland and Paris, selling the work of artists like Mané-Katz, Moissey Kogan, Wim Schumacher and John Rädecker, eventually joining the Academie Française in Paris. Jack Vecht succeeded to his father, running the gallery in Amsterdam and orientating its activity towards Asian art, and then his son Constant after him. Constant then became the third generation family representative to operate the business which he directed with passion until his recent death in 2020.


Constant Vecht 為 Aäron Vecht 的孫兒,他是 1910 年阿姆斯特丹藝術品經銷商 Kunstzalen A. Vecht 的創辦人,也是二十世紀首批向荷蘭市場展示南亞藝術品的藝術品經銷商之一。

Aäron Vecht 具有不拘一格的品味,主要專注於玻璃、錫釉彩陶及中世紀藝術,也關注來自荷蘭及巴黎的當代藝術,出售 Mané-Katz、Moissey Kogan、Wim Schumacher 及 John Rädecker 等藝術家的作品,最終加入巴黎法蘭西學院。 Jack Vecht繼承父業,繼續經營其在阿姆斯特丹畫廊並把發展方針轉向亞洲藝術。隨後,他的兒子 Constant繼承作為家族企業第三代接班人,他充滿激情地領導畫廊業務,直至最近於 2020年離世。