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View full screen - View 1 of Lot 316. Slave Trade | A collection of official publications relating to the suppression of the slave trade, 19th century.

Slave Trade | A collection of official publications relating to the suppression of the slave trade, 19th century

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Slave Trade

A collection of official publications relating to the suppression of the slave trade, with other miscellaneous government reports, 19th century, comprising:

i) Class B. Correspondence with Foreign Powers Relating to the Slave Trade, with a Further Series, 2 vols, 1837

ii) Zanzibar and the Slave Trade Correspondence, 1874-1875. 19 pamphlets in two clamshell cases, grey cloth with black calf spine

iii) Anti-slavery act, CAP. CXX, 21 July 1806

iv) Anti-slavery act, CAP. CLXXII, 11 July 1815

v) Anti-slavery act, CAP. XVII, 31 March 1819

vi) Anti-slavery act, CAP. XCIX, 10 July 1821

vii) Anti-slavery act, CAP. LXXXIV, 25 July 1828

viii) Anti-slavery act, CAP. LXXXI, 17 August 1836

ix) Anti-slavery act, CAP. LXXXIV, 10 August 1838

x) Anti-slavery act, CAP. CII, 14 August 1838

xi) Anti-slavery act, CAP. LVII, 17 August 1839

xii) Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, The Havannah, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, relating to the Slave Trade, 1826-1827, London, 1827

xiii) ‘A Return of slave vessels brought before the several courts of mixed commissions for adjudication between 1 January 1828 and 1 January 1838’, London: The House of Commons, 1838

xiv) Almanack, London: Company of Stationers, 1854

xv) ‘Report presented to The House of Commons…against the employment of boys in sweeping of chimneys’, London: The House of Commons, 1817

xvi) ‘Report of a committee of the fishery board for Scotland as to the regulation of trawling and other modes of fishing in the territorial waters’, Edinburgh: her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1888

xvii) ‘Recent report of Mr Gurney to the First Commissioner of Works, on the State of the River Thames’, London: The House of Commons, 1857

xviii) ‘On road making, by William Lister’, Yorkshire Agricultural Society, 18 February 1853

xix) ‘Reports made to the Secretary of State by the Inspectors of Factories’, 4 March 1836

xx) Report on the “Jack Field” footpath, Padiham: 4 March 1897

xxi) Report on the Padiham Urban District Council Election, Padiham: 31 March 1897

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