Books, Manuscripts and Music from Medieval to Modern
Books, Manuscripts and Music from Medieval to Modern
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Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
The history of the renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha... translated from the original by several hands, and publish'd by Peter Motteux. Adorned with sculptures. The third edition. London: for Sam. Buckley, 1712
4 volumes, 12mo (159 x 95mm.), 16 folding engraved plates, with final blank at end of vol.2, contemporary speckled calf with narrow gilt border, light spotting, some plates creased at foredge, bindings rubbed, joints cracked, lacking lettering-pieces
Motteux's version first appeared in 1700 and was based on earlier translations by Thomas Shelton (1612-1620) and Filleau de Saint-Martin (Motteux was a native French speaker), though in a less literal way, intending to convey more of the spirit of the original than the exact words. There were at least seven editions of Motteux's text before Tobias Smollett's version of 1755, which both ridiculed and superseded earlier translations.
ESTC T59510
R. Cranmer, early inscription on flyleaf