Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

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Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of books regarding Imperial Japan, civil law and the Japanese constitution

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Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of books regarding Imperial Japan, civil law and the Japanese constitution


Benjamin Chappell, The Tokyo home for ex-convicts (Tokyo: Methodist Publishing House, 1901), donated by the author

Charles William le Gendre, Progressive Japan: A study of the political and social needs of the Empire (New York/Yokohama: C. Lévy, 1878)

Chozo Muto, A brief chronology of Anglo-Japanese Relations (Nagasaki, 1926)

Chozo Muto, A Short History of Anglo-Japanese Relations (Tokyo: Hokuseido, 1936)

Edward Kinch, Japanese, Metric and English Weights & Measures. Tables of their relations to each other and relations of measures of capacity, weights and values to measures of area (Tokyo: Imperial College of Agriculture, 1879)

Edward Sylvester Morse, On the Importance of Good Manners, 1894)

Edward Sylvester Morse, Latrines of the East (n. p., 1893), donated by the author

Ernest Mason Satow, Japanese chronological tables (n. p., 1874)

F. Winfield, Defence of the Women of Japan (Yokohama: Eastern World, 1893), donated by the author

Francis Taylor Piggott, Exterritoriality law relating to Consular Jurisdiction and residence in oriental countries (London: William Clowes and Sons Limited, 1892), donated by the author

Hisatsuna Furuya, Systeme representatif au Japon [in French] (Bruxelles: Henri Lamertin, 1899), donated by the author on 1 Janurary 1902

Inazo (Ota) Nitobe, Intercourse between the United States & Japan (Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1891), donated by J. Le Bernière Smith

The Japanese Government, Decorations of Japan (Tokyo: Bureau of Decoration, Prime Minister’s Office, 1969), donated by Hayashida

Japan Department of Education, Imperial Ordinance Relating to Elementary Schools (Japan Department of Education, 1890)

Japanese Navy, Kaigun Kisho Jorei (n. p., 1889)

Juichi Soyeda, Adoption of gold monometallism by Japan (Boston: Ginn & Company/the Athenæum Press, 1898)

Juichi Soyeda, A Survey of the Japanese question in California (n. p., 1913)

Kanichi Asakawa, Origin of the Feudal Land Tenure in Japan (n. p., 1914)

Kinsé Shiriaku, Kinsé Shiriaku: a history of Japan from the first visit of Commodore Perry in 1853 to the capture of Hakodate by the Mikado’s forces in 1869 (Yokohama: Japan Mail, 1873)

L. Ussèle, A travers le Japon [in French] (Paris: J. Rothschild, 1891)

Luis J. Brunet, Les Ordres de Chevalerie et les Distinctions Honorifiques au Japan (Paris: Langlois, 1903)

Masayoshi Matsukata, Report on the Adoption of the Gold Standard in Japan (Tokyo: Government Press, 1899)

Maurice Courant, Les clans Japanois sous les Tokugawa (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1903)

Maurice Courant, Deux époques de la politique exteriure du Japon (Lyon: Publications du Comité Franco-Japonais, 1918)

Maurice Courant, Okoubo [in French] (Paris: Felix Alcan, Anncienne librairie germer Ballière, 1904)

RiuichiI keda, Die hauserbfolge in Japan unter berucksichtigung der allgemeinen Japanischen kultur und rechtsentwickelung [in German] (Berlin: Mayer & Muller, 1903)

Toyokichi Iyenaga, The constitutional development of Japan 1853-1881 (Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1891) Yamawaki Haruki, Japan in the beginning of the 20th century (Japan Times, 1903)

Yosoburo Takekoshi, Economic aspects of the history of the civilisation of Japan, vols. 1-2-3 (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1930)

[Anon.] (transl. de BeckerJ. E.), The Criminal Code of Japan (Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh, 1907), donated by H. I. J. M. Embassy London

[Anon.] (transl. John H. Gubbins), The civil code of Japan (translated), vols. 1-2 (Tokyo/Yokohama: Maruya & Co./Kelly & Walsh, 1897), donated by the author on September 1899

[Anon.], Imperial Ordinance Relating to the Ascension to the Throne (translation) (n. p., 1928)

[Anon.], Meiji Tenno Go-Taisogi Shashincho (Tokyo: Shinbi Shoin, 1912)

[Anon.], Catalogue of the officers and students of the Departments of Law, Science and Literature (Tokyo: The University of Tokyo, 1878)

[Anon.], Correspondence Respecting Affairs in Japan: Attacks on British Legation between 5th July 1861 & 14th September 1862 (London, 1863)

[Anon.], Japan-Manchukuo yearbook 1934 (n.p., 1934)

[Anon.], Outline History of Japanese Education, Literature and Arts (Tokyo: Japan Department of Education, 1877), donated by Ernest Mason Satow