Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 17. A group of books on the Ainu.

Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of books on the Ainu

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Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of books on the Ainu


Arthur Henry Savage Landor, Alone with the hairy Ainu. Or, 3,800 miles on a pack saddle in Yezo and a cruise to the Kurile Islands (London: John Murray, 1893), donated by R. Bowen

Auguste Pfizmaier, Ainu Sprache & kritische Durchsicht der von Dawidow verfassten Wortersammlung [in German] (Wein, 1851), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

B. H. Chamberlain, Language, Mythology of Japan in the Light of the Aino Studies Ainu Grammar (Tokyo, 1887), donated by B. H. Chamberlain

David MacRitchi, The Aïnos (Leiden: P.W.M. Trap, 1892)

Edward C. Morse, A Curious Aino Toy (USA, 1893), donated by E. Morse

Edward S. Morse, Evidence of Cannibalism in an Early Race in Japan (Tokyo, 1879), donated by E. Morse

John Batchelor, The Pit-Dwellers of Hokkaido and Ainu Place-Names Considered (London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Trubner, 1925)

John Batchelor, Uwpekere or Ainu fireside stories: as told by one of themselves (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner&Co.Ltd, 1924)

John Batchelor, The Ainu of Japan: The Religion, Superstitions, and General History of the Hairy Aborigines of Japan (London: Religious Tract Society, 1892)

John Batchelor, The Ainu and their Folk-Lore (London: Religious Tract Society, 1901)

John Batchelor, Ainu Life and Lore: Echoes of a Departing Race (Tokyo: Kyobunkwan, 1927)

Polydoro Fransisco dada Silva, Os Japanezes (Yokohama: Imprensa Mercantil, 1889)

Romyn Hitchcock, The Ainos of Yezo, Japan (Washington DC: Government Printing Office/Smithsonian Institution, 1892)

Sebald de Weert, Journael wan’t geene vijf Schepen van Rotterdam [in Dutch] (Amsterdam: Gillis Joosten Saeghman, 1600)

Seizaburo Kajima, The Ainu of Japan (Tokyo: Genrokukan, 1895)