Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 24. A group of books on literature and the history of Japan, including some donated by Ernest Mason Satow.

Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of books on literature and the history of Japan, including some donated by Ernest Mason Satow

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Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of books on literature and the history of Japan, including some donated by Ernest Mason Satow


A. Penitent Peri (George Cullen Pearson), Flights Inside and Outside Paradise (New York & London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons/Knickerbocker Press, 1886)

Alfred Parsons, Notes in Japan (London: Osgood McIlvaine & Co., 1896)

Andrew Steinmetz, Japan and her people (London: Routledge, Warnes and Routledge, 1859), donated by Parfit/Macfarlane Nobuko & Cliff/Duncan Lewis Mackenzie

Baba Bunyel, Japan 1854-1864 Genki Yume Monogatari (n. p., 1870/71)

C. Pfoundes, Fu-So Mimi Bukuro: A Budget of Japanese Notes (Yokohama: Japan Mail, 1875)

Clarence Ludlow Brownell, The heart of Japan (London: Methuen, 1904)

Douglas Sladen,The Japs at Home. [fifth edition: To which are added for the first time some bits of China] (London: Ward, Lock & Bowden Limited, 1895)

Du Pin, Le Japon: moeurs, coutumes, descriptions [in French] (Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1868), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

Edward J. Reed, Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions, vols. 1-2 (London: John Murray, 1880)

F. R. Wetmore, Yokohama Guide (Yokohama: F. R. Wetmore, 1874)

Félix Régamey (transl. F. Sheldon), Le Japon pratique (Paris: J. Hetzel, 1891)

Frank Brinkley, A history of the Japanese people: from the earliest times to the end of the Meiji era (London and New York: Encyclopædia Britannica Co., 1914)

George John Younghusband, On short leave to Japan (London: Sampson Low, Marsten & Company, 1894)

Henry Norman, The Real Japan. Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administration, and Politics (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893)

Henry Baker Tristam, Rambles in Japan: The Land of the Rising Sun (London: Religious Tract Society, 1895)

Henry Craven St John, Notes and Sketches from the Wild Coasts of Nipon. [with Chapters on Cruising after Pirates in Chinese Waters] (Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1880)

Herbert Moore, A Japanese Family (n. p., 1905)

Johanne Justus Rein, Japan: travels and researches (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1884)

John William Robertson Scott, The Foundations of Japan (London: John Murray, 1922), presented to Arthur Diósy by Baron Suyematsu Kenchio in December 1905

Joseph L. Thomas, Journeys among the Gentle Japs in 1895 (London: Sampson Low, Marsten & Company, 1897), donated by Joseph L. Thomas

Louis Emile Bertin, Les grandes guerres civiles du Japon 1156-1392 [in French] (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1894), donated by Louis Emile Bertin

M. McLean, Echoes from Japan (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1889), donated by M. McLean on 2 April 1892

Major Ronald V. C.Bodley, A Japanese Omelette: A British writer’s impressions on the Japanese empire (Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1933)

Mortimer Menpes, Japan: a record in colour (London: Adam & Charles Black, 1901), donated by Freddie Schaeffer

Pfarrer Fleischhauer, Japan [in German] (Langenfalza: Schulbuchhandlung des thür, 1857), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

Paul de P. de Lapeyrère, Le Japon militaire (Paris: E. Plon, 1883), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

Pierre Loti, Madame Chrysanthème [in French] (Paris: Calmann, Lévy, Éditeur, 1888), donated by Pierre Loti in 1892

Rutherford Alcock, The Capital of the Tycoon: A Narrative of Three Years’ Residence in Japan, vols. 1-2 (London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1863), donated by E. Gilbertson in 1893

Samuel Mossman, New Japan: the land of the Rising Sun (London: John Murray, 1873), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

Sherard Osborn, A Cruise in Japanese Waters (Edinburgh/London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1759) Sherard Osborn, A Cruise in Japanese Waters (Edinburgh/London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1759) Susan Ballard, More about Japan (London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1915)

Tadamasa (Viscount) Hayashi, For His People: The true story of Sogoro’s sacrifice (London: Harper & Brothers, 1903), donated by Hayashi Tadamasa

Walter Dickson, Japan: a sketch of the history, government and officers of the empire (Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1869), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

Walter Weston, Mountaineering and exploration in the Japanese Alps (London: John Murray, 1896)

William Conn, Japanese life: love and legend (n. p., 1886)

William George Aston, A History of Japanese literature (London: William Heinemann, 1918), donated by Duncan Lewis Mackenzie Macfarlane

William George Aston, Ancient Japanese classic: Tosa diary (Yedo: Asiatic Society of Japan, 1875)

[Anon.], History of the empire of Japan (Tokyo: Dai Nippon Tosho Kabushiki Kwaisha, 1893)

[Anon.] (ed. Summers James), The Chinese and Japanese repository of facts and events in Science, History and Art relating to Eastern Asia, vol 1 (London/Paris: W. H. Allen/Benj. Duprat, 1863)