Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library
Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library
Property from the Japan Society Library, London
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Property from the Japan Society Library, London
A collection of books on voyages, Dutch trade and Philipp Franz von Siebold, some from the collection of Ernest Mason Satow
Lady Annie Brassey, A voyage in the 'Sunbeam': our home on the ocean for eleven months (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1881), donated by R. A.Scoales
A. E. Nordenskiöld (transl. Alexander Leslie), Voyage of the Vega Round Asia and Europe (London: Macmillan and Co., 1883)
Alexander Siebold, Phillipp Franz von Siebold: Letzte Reise Nach Japan (Berlin: Kisak Tamai, 1903), donated by the author on January 1903
Engelbert Kœmpfer (transl. J. G. Scheuchzer), Kaempfer’s Account of Japan (London: Ingram, Cooke and Co., 1853), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
Heinrich Klaproth, Bericht uber Siebolds Ursprung der Japaner [in German] (n. p., 1829), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
J. L. C. Pompe Van Meerdervoort, Vijf Jaren in Japan (1857-1863) [in Dutch] (Leiden: Firma van den Heuvell & van Santen, 1867), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
J. M. Tronson, Personal Narrative of a Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1859)
Jacob Anne van der Chijs, Neêrlands streven tot openstelling van Japan Voor den wereldhandel [in Dutch] (Amsterdam: Frederik Muller, 1867), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
Jan Baptist Jozef van Doren, De Openstelling van Japan [in Dutch] (Amsterdam: J. D. Sybrandi, 1861)
John McLeod, Narrative of the Alceste’s Voyage to the Yellow Sea Along the Coast of Corea (London: John Murray, 1817)
Lawrence Oliphant, Narrative of the Lord Elgin's mission to China and Japan, vols. 1-2 (London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1859)
Le Comte de Montblanc, Le Japon tel qu’il est [in French] (Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1867), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
M. Breton, Le Japon: Volume 1-2-3-4 [in French] (Paris: A. Nepveu, 1818), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
Philipp Franz von Siebold, Manner and customs of the Japanese in the Nineteenth Century (London: John Murray, 1841)
Philipp Franz von Siebold (transl. F.M. Cowan), Geographical and Ethnographical Elucidations to the Discoveries of Maerten Gerrits Vries, Commander of the flute Castricum, A.D. 1643. In the East and North of Japan; to serve as a Mariner’s Guide in the Navigation of the East Coast of Japan, and to Jezo, Kraft, and the Kurils (Amsterdam: Frederik Muller, 1859), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
Philipp Franz von Siebold, Met Oorkonden Gestaafd Vertoog van de Poginen door Nederland en Rusland gedaan tot Openstelling van Japan voor de Scheepvaart en den Zeehandel van alle Natien [in Dutch] (Zalt Bommel: Joh. Noman en Zoon, 1854), donated by Ernest Mason Satow
Religious Tract Society, Japan opened (London: Religious Tract Society, 1858)
Samuel Purchas (ed. Cyril Wild), Purchas His Pilgrimes in Japan Extracted From Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes (Kobe/London: J. L. Thompson & Co./ Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., n. d.)
Vasily Golownin, Voyage de M. Golovnin (Paris: Gide Fils, 1818), donated by Ernest Mason Satow