Asian Arts / 5000 Years

Asian Arts / 5000 Years

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 107. A gilt-copper alloy figure of seated Buddha Sri Lanka, Late Anuradhapura period (c. 300-1000), 10th century | 斯里蘭卡 阿努拉德普勒王朝時期 十世紀 鎏金銅合金佛坐像.

Property from an important European private collection | 歐洲重要私人收藏

A gilt-copper alloy figure of seated Buddha Sri Lanka, Late Anuradhapura period (c. 300-1000), 10th century | 斯里蘭卡 阿努拉德普勒王朝時期 十世紀 鎏金銅合金佛坐像

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November 8, 12:46 PM GMT


6,000 - 8,000 EUR

Lot Details


Property from an important European private collection

A gilt-copper alloy figure of seated Buddha

Sri Lanka, Late Anuradhapura period (c. 300-1000), 10th century

the Buddha seated in meditation with legs folded one on top of the other in virasana and hands resting in his lap in dhyana mudra, wearing a monk’s robe sanghati and a jewel (replaced) in the setting amid the flames above the head (siraspata)

10.8 cm, 4 1/4 in.


Collection particulière européenne

Statue de Bouddha assis en alliage de cuivre doré, Sri Lanka, fin de l'époque Anuradhapura (c. 300-1000), Xe siècle



斯里蘭卡 阿努拉德普勒王朝時期 十世紀 鎏金銅合金佛坐像

Compare the squared end of the robe hem folded over the right shoulder and chest, and the large jewel setting in the siraspata with a tenth century Sri Lankan bronze Buddha found in Thailand, illustrated in Ulrich von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures of Sri Lanka, Hong Kong 1990, p. 204, pl. 54B, and other tenth century examples from the Trincomalee district, ibid., p. 205, pls. 54D-E.


比較本尊佛像折疊在右肩和胸前末端呈方形的長袍下擺,並肉髻火焰飾上所嵌大寶石及一尊在泰國十世紀斯里蘭卡青銅佛像,圖見於Ulrich von Schroeder,斯里蘭卡佛教雕塑,香港, 1990,頁204,圖版54B。另見頁205,圖版54D-E數例亭可馬里區十世紀佛像。