Arts of the Islamic World & India including Fine Rugs and Carpets

Arts of the Islamic World & India including Fine Rugs and Carpets

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 139. An Ottoman parcel-gilt silver scribe's pen box (divit) with the tughra of Mahmud II (r.1808-39), Turkey, first half 19th century.

An Ottoman parcel-gilt silver scribe's pen box (divit) with the tughra of Mahmud II (r.1808-39), Turkey, first half 19th century

Auction Closed

October 26, 12:30 PM GMT


4,000 - 6,000 GBP

Lot Details


the elongated rectangular case with swollen terminals, with bulbous inkwell with champfered corners, the terminals, edges and underside of the inkwell chased and engraved with floral decoration, the case and underside of inkwell stamped with tughra of Mahmud II
