Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 16. An important thangka depicting Shenlha Wökar, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 辛拉哦噶唐卡 設色布本.

Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst | 恩斯特伉儷收藏

An important thangka depicting Shenlha Wökar, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 辛拉哦噶唐卡 設色布本

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December 15, 11:25 AM GMT


8,000 - 12,000 EUR

Lot Details


Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst

An important thangka depicting Shenlha Wökar

Tibet, 16th century

distemper on cloth, the white Bön deity adorned with golden gem-set crown and jewellery, hands folded in the meditation posture, with two standing attendant deities and a makara-headed ankusha hook at his side, seated on an elaborate tiered throne with recumbent elephants in niches below, a throne-back emerging from kalasha vases at either side, with dragons writhing around uprights, makara on the sidebars and a kyung at the apex, surrounded by myriad seated deities and the blue multiarmed tutelary deity Welsé Ngampa in the lower register

82 x 66 cm, 32 1/4 by 26 in. 


Collection Richard R. et Magdalena Ernst

Important tangka représentant Shenlha Ökar, détrempe sur toile, Tibet, XVIe siècle



西藏 十六世紀 辛拉哦噶唐卡 設色布本

Detlef-Ingo Lauf, “The buddhist sculpture of India and her influence on the art of Tibet”, exh. cat. Tibetica20, Schoettle, Stuttgart, 1972, pl. 47.

Jeannine Auboyer, Gilles Béguin, Dieux et demons de l’Himâlaya: Art du Bouddhisme lamaïque, Paris, 1977, p. 187, pl. 203.

Per Kvaerne, The Bon Religion of Tibet: The Iconography of a Living Religion, London, 1995, pp. 42-3, pl. 4.


Detlef-Ingo Lauf,《印度佛教雕塑及其對西藏藝術之影響 》,斯圖加特,1972年,圖版47

Jeannine Auboyer and Gilles Béguin,《喜瑪拉雅之神與魔 : 藏傳佛教藝術 》,巴黎,1977年,187頁,編號203

Per Kvaerne,《西藏波苯教 : 傳統生活圖像學》,倫敦,1995年,圖版4

This rare Bön thangka depicting Shenlha Wökar would have been one from a set of the Four Transcendent Lords of the Bön religion, including portrayals of Satrig Ersang, Tönpa Shenrap and Sangpo Bumtri. The back of the thangka is inscribed with a series of mantras concluding with the following prayer translated by Per Kvearne, op. cit.,

May there be good fortune in the country in which this icon dwells,

May there be great blessing in that fortunate region,

May disease afflicting men and cattle be averted,

May rain fall at the right time,

May the crops and livestock always be good,

May there at all times be good fortune and happiness