Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

Voir en plein écran - Voir 1 du lot 12. A rare thangka depicting Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Tibet, 16th/17th century | 西藏 十六至十七世紀 四薩迦派喇嘛唐卡 設色布本.

Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst | 恩斯特伉儷收藏

A rare thangka depicting Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Tibet, 16th/17th century | 西藏 十六至十七世紀 四薩迦派喇嘛唐卡 設色布本

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December 15, 11:12 AM GMT


10,000 - 15,000 EUR

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Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst

A rare thangka depicting Sachen Kunga Nyingpo

Tibet, 16th/17th century

distemper on cloth, the hierarch wearing voluminous layman’s robes and seated on cushions set upon a raised yoke-backed dais with a table bearing ritual implements, his hands in vitarka mudra transmitting Buddhist teaching and holding the stem of a flowering lotus at his right shoulder, surrounded by a lineage of Lamdre masters seated in open landscape, with Hevajra in sky above flanked by Vajrayogini, Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Amitayus, and White and Green Tara at either side below

85 x 61 cm, 33 1/2 by 24 in.


Collection Richard R. et Magdalena Ernst

Rare tangka représentant Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, détrempe sur toile, Tibet, XVIe-XVIIe siècle



西藏 十六至十七世紀 四薩迦派喇嘛唐卡 設色布本

Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158) was the third throne holder of Sakya Monastery and a proponent of the Lamdre system of Buddhist philosophy and meditation technique expounded in the Hevajra Tantra: a dancing multi-armed blue Hevajra appears at the apex of the thangka. The Hevajra Tantra is fundamental to the Sakya order and is believed to have originated in the teachings of the ninth century Indian mahasiddha Virupa.

