Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 18. A rare early thangka depicting Amitabha in Sukhavati, Tibet, circa 1500 | 西藏 約1500年 極樂淨土阿彌陀佛唐卡 設色布本.

Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst | 恩斯特伉儷收藏

A rare early thangka depicting Amitabha in Sukhavati, Tibet, circa 1500 | 西藏 約1500年 極樂淨土阿彌陀佛唐卡 設色布本

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December 15, 11:20 AM GMT


15,000 - 20,000 EUR

Lot Details


Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst

A rare early thangka depicting Amitabha in Sukhavati

Tibet, circa 1500

distemper on cloth, with hands in dhyanamudra holding a black patra, seated on a peacock throne with the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara standing to the left and blue Mahasthamaprapta to the right, an elaborate foliate canopy above, a temple in each corner, with Buddhas, monks and adepts throughout, Sadaksari Avalokitesvara below the throne with Padmasambhava flanked by Buddhas and seated on a lotus emerging from a lotus pond beneath, a temple to either side, rivers running throughout, and all bound by a foliate and floral border beneath and to either side

92 x 72 cm, 36 1/4 by 28 3/8 in.


Collection Richard R. et Magdalena Ernst

Rare tangka représentant le Bouddha Amitabha en Sukhavati, détrempe sur toile, Tibet, circa 1500



西藏 約1500年 極樂淨土阿彌陀佛唐卡 設色布本

Himalayan Art Resources item no. 18343.



The painting depicts Sukhavati, the Blissful Western Pure Land of Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light. Compare the composition of a Sukhavati painting in the Collection of Shelley and Donald Rubin, see Marylin M. Rhie, Robert A. F. Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, Expanded Edition, New York, 1996, p. 470, cat. no. 225. Similarities include the distribution of temple complexes that the authors speculate are the abodes of the Dharma Kings of Tibet. The lotus supporting Padmasambhava, with Sadaksari Avalokitesvara above, is featured in both paintings, as is the floral and foliate border representing the cosmic tree that supports the Pure Land. Rhie and Thurman date the Rubin example to the fourteenth or fifteenth century and identify it as one of the earliest examples of the Sukhavati theme in Tibetan thangka painting, ibid. The present example, dating from circa 1500, is amongst the finest of these early depictions of the Sukhavati Pure Land.


本幅唐卡描繪蘇卡瓦蒂,即阿彌陀佛的西方極樂淨土,無量光佛。與唐納德和雪莉 · 魯賓收藏中的一幅蘇卡瓦蒂畫比較,見Marylin M. Rhie, Robert A. F. Thurman,《智慧與慈悲:西藏宗教藝術》,Expanded出版,紐約,1996年,470頁,編號 225。兩者相似之處包括寺廟群的分佈,作者推測其為西藏法王居所。兩幅唐卡均可見蓮花生大師和四臂觀世音菩薩,邊宇宙樹的枝葉花卉作為邊框裝飾,象徵供養淨土。 Rhie和Thurman認為魯賓博物館藏之唐片約繪製於十四或十五世紀,為最早以蘇卡瓦蒂為主題的西藏唐卡之一,見同上。而本幅唐卡可追溯至約1500年,是早期蘇卡瓦蒂淨土主題中最優秀的作品之一。