Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art
Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art
Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst | 恩斯特伉儷收藏
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December 15, 11:07 AM GMT
40,000 - 60,000 EUR
Lot Details
Property from the collection of Richard R. and Magdalena Ernst
A rare and important thangka depicting Ekavira Vajrabhairava
Tibet, circa 1600
distemper on cloth, the blue, ithyphallic buffalo-headed Vajrabhairava in Ekavira (solitary) manifestation without consort, adorned with human skull jewelry and a garland of severed heads, with nine faces, the topmost with a golden crown and representing the deity’s spiritual progenitor Manjushri, the fearsome multi-armed god holding a flayed elephant skin cape at his back and a panoply of ritual implements in his thirty-four hands, and standing in a militant posture trampling a naked human, fierce animals and angry birds with his sixteen legs, Brahmanical deities lying prone on the lotus pedestal, an aureole of flames behind representing pristine awareness, the blue primordial buddha Vajradhara flanked by Yama and Nairatmya in cloudscape above, with multi-armed forms of Krishna Yamari astride buffalo at either side, mountainous landscape and charnel grounds below with mounted Brahmanical dikpala guardians including Indra on his elephant to the right, four-armed Agni on a ram beneath, Ishana on a black bull, blue Yama holding a skull staff and riding a buffalo, Bhudevi on her black sow, blue Nirrti on a naked dark-skinned human, Brahma on his goose, Varuna holding the serpent, Vayu on a gazelle, Yaksha on a horse, and surrounded by Indian adepts and a Tibetan Sakya lineage
108 x 77 cm, 42 1/2 by 30 1/4 in.
Collection Richard R. et Magdalena Ernst
Rare et important tangka représentant Ekavira Vajrabhairava, détrempe sur toile, Tibet, circa 1600
西藏 約1600年 獨雄大威德金剛唐卡 設色布本
David Jackson, A History of Tibetan Painting, Wien, 1996, p. 187, pl. 27.
David Jackson,《西藏繪畫史》,維也納,1996年,187頁,圖版27
David Jackson has identified the last teacher in the lineage as 13th abbot of Ngor monastery Drangti Panchen Namkha Pelzang (1535—1602), thus confirming a Ngor monastery provenance for the painting and dating the work to ca. 1600. Typical of Sakya thangkas in this period, and Ngor painting in particular, is the wide red margin with gold floral design: cf. a similar design on the border of the Damarupa from a renowned Ngor series of thankgas dating to ca. 1610, see Pratapaditya Pal, Himalayas: An Aesthetic Adventure, Chicago, 2003, p. 262, pl. 174, and a ca. 1600 Sakya monastery Kurukulla, ibid, p. 259, pl. 171.
David Jackson認為俄爾寺第十三任住持Drangti Panchen Namkha Pelzang(1535-1602)為該派最後一名世襲導師,並由此判定本作約1600年繪製。寬大邊紅邊配以金色花紋為俄爾地區薩迦派典型的風格: 比較一幅約1610年俄爾區札馬如巴唐卡,鑲邊設計十分相似,見Pratapaditya Pal,《喜馬拉雅:美學的冒險》,芝加哥,2003年,262頁,圖版174,另見一例約1600年薩迦派咕嚕咕列佛母唐卡,同上,259頁,圖版 171。