Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

全萤幕检视 - 查看201Two blue and white octagonal baluster vases and covers and a powder blue 'hundred antiques' vase Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花八方將軍罐及灑藍地瓶 一組三件的1

Property from the personal collection of Sam and Myrna Myers in France | 森美及瑪娜·邁爾斯伉儷珍藏

Two blue and white octagonal baluster vases and covers and a powder blue 'hundred antiques' vase Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花八方將軍罐及灑藍地瓶 一組三件


June 16, 02:39 PM GMT


3,500 - 4,500 EUR


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Property from the personal collection of Sam and Myrna Myers in France

Two blue and white octagonal baluster vases and covers and a powder blue 'hundred antiques' vase

Qing dynasty, Kangxi period


H. 29.3 cm ; 29.7 cm, 11 1/2 in. ; 11 3/4 in. (baluster vases)

H. 19.2 cm, 7 1/2 in. (powder blue vase)


Collection personnelle de Sam et Myrna Myers en France

Deux vases balustres octogonaux couverts en porcelaine bleu blanc et vase en porcelaine à glaçure bleu poudré à décor de cent antiques, dynastie Qing, époque Kangxi



清康熙 青花八方將軍罐及灑藍地瓶 一組三件