Antiquarian Books including a series of views of Milan

Antiquarian Books including a series of views of Milan

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 170. Ovidius, Libri de Ponto, Parma, 1508, modern half calf.

Ovidius, Libri de Ponto, Parma, 1508, modern half calf

Lot Closed

October 4, 11:20 AM GMT


700 - 900 EUR

Lot Details


Publius Ovidius Naso

Libri de Ponto cum luculentissimis commentariis... Bartholomaei Merulae... noviter in lucem emissis. Parma: Ottaviano Saladi, 1508

folio (308 x 210mm.), woodcut of the Virgin and Child on title-page, woodcut initials, with final blank leaf, modern half calf over patterned paper boards

An uncommon edition of Ovid's poems from exile on the Black Sea. Merula had written commentaries on nigh on all of Ovid's works, both genuine and spurious, while working as an editor for Giovanni Tacuino at the end of the fifteenth century; he was also tutor to the noble Cornaro family.


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