The Key 10138

The Key 10138

THE KEY 10138 | 密匙 10138

An Exceptional and Magnificent Unmounted Diamond | 無與倫比並極其重要 101.38克拉 梨形 D色 完美無瑕 Type IIa 巨鑽

Auction Closed

July 9, 03:09 AM GMT


78,000,000 - 118,000,000 EUR

Lot Details


THE KEY 10138 | 密匙 10138

An Exceptional and Magnificent Unmounted Diamond

The pear-shaped diamond weighing 101.38 carats.


101.38克拉 梨形 D色 完美無瑕 Type IIa 巨鑽

Accompanied by a GIA report no. 6193169635, stating that the diamond is D Colour, Flawless; also accompanied by a diamond type classification letter stating that the diamond is determined to be a Type IIa diamond. Type IIa diamonds are the most chemically pure type of diamond and often have exceptional optical transparency. The GIA report is further accompanied by a monograph.

附美國GIA證書編號6193169635,指鑽石為D色,完美無瑕。另附鑽石分析報告,指出鑽石為Type IIa類型。Type IIa鑽石以其純淨度見稱,幾乎不含氮元素,澄淨亮白。附GIA專論著作。

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