Ancient Civilisations II – Neolithic Pottery including the Collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf

Ancient Civilisations II – Neolithic Pottery including the Collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf

全萤幕检视 - 查看808A small red pottery human head bottle, Yangshao culture, Banpo to Miaodigou phase, 4800-3500 B.C. 仰韶文化 半坡至廟底溝類型 紅陶人首瓶的1

Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection | Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

A small red pottery human head bottle, Yangshao culture, Banpo to Miaodigou phase, 4800-3500 B.C. 仰韶文化 半坡至廟底溝類型 紅陶人首瓶


November 25, 03:34 AM GMT


400,000 - 600,000 HKD



Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection

A small red pottery human head bottle,

Yangshao culture, Banpo to Miaodigou phase, 4800-3500 B.C.

Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

仰韶文化 半坡至廟底溝類型 紅陶人首瓶

h. 20.7 cm

The dating of this lot is consistent with the results of Oxford Authentication Ltd, thermoluminescence test C104q93/64.


Ronald W. Longsdorf, The Pottery Age: An Appreciation of Neolithic Ceramics from China, Circa 7000 BC - Circa 1000 BC, Hong Kong, 2020, pl. 3.

Ronald W. Longsdorf, 《陶誌:中國新石器時代陶器 約西元前7000年 – 前1000年》,香港,2020年,圖版3

The rounded bulb top of the vessel is depicted with a youthful upturned face highlighted with delicate facial features framed by vertical grooves representing straight hair. See a similar but larger example (32.3 cm) from the Miaodigou phase of the Yangshao culture, illustrated in E Jun E, ed., Masterpieces from the Gansu Provincial Museum, Xi'an, 2006, p. 55.

For pottery bottles with an undecorated bulb top that may have prompted the potter to create vessels surmounted by a humanoid head, see one from the Miaodigou phase of the Yangshao culture, published in Cheng Zheng and Qian Zhiqiang, Painted Pottery of the Yellow River, Taipei, 1994, no. 112.


