A Journey Through China's History. The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Part 3

A Journey Through China's History. The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Part 3

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 55. A large wucai 'dragon and phoenix' vase, Ming dynasty, Wanli period |  明萬曆 五彩穿花龍鳳紋獸耳出戟大瓶.

A large wucai 'dragon and phoenix' vase, Ming dynasty, Wanli period | 明萬曆 五彩穿花龍鳳紋獸耳出戟大瓶

Auction Closed

November 1, 04:18 PM GMT


5,000 - 7,000 GBP

Lot Details


A large wucai 'dragon and phoenix' vase

Ming dynasty, Wanli period

明萬曆 五彩穿花龍鳳紋獸耳出戟大瓶

Height 47.8 cm, 18⅞ in.

Please note that this lot should not have a W symbol in the catalogue. This lot can be collected in New Bond Street after the sale.請注意,此拍品不應附有W 符號,拍賣後可於蘇富比New Bond Street 處提取。Please also note that the condition report has been updated. Chinese: 請注意,此拍品不應附有W 符號,拍賣後可於蘇富比New Bond Street 處提取。請注意此拍品的品相報告已更新。

Christie's London, 24th May 1927, lot 60.

Collection of Charles Nott, Esq.

Collection of John Love.

Christie's London, 6th December 1965, lot 124.

Collection of Dr Wou Kiuan (1910-1997).

Wou Lien-Pai Museum, 1968-present, coll. no. M.3.25. 

倫敦佳士得1927年5月24日, 編號60

Charles Nott先生收藏

John Love先生收藏

倫敦佳士得1965年12月6日, 編號124

吳權博士 (1910-1997) 收藏


Rose Kerr et al., Chinese Antiquities from the Wou Kiuan Collection. Wou Lien-Pai Museum, Hong Kong, 2011, pl. 120.

柯玫瑰等,《Chinese Antiquities from the Wou Kiuan Collection. Wou Lien-Pai Museum》,香港,2011年,圖版120