Auction Closed
July 6, 02:09 PM GMT
40,000 - 60,000 GBP
Lot Details
A George III two-manual harpsichord by Jacob Kirkman
London, 1760
the case veneered with panels of walnut with elmwood crossbanding, the lid with shaped and pierced brass strap hinges, the keywell extensively decorated in marquetry with floral scrollwork, the jack rails similarly decorated, the faciaboard with a central marquetry trophy of musical instruments flanked by angels and eagles, the soundboard with inset giltwood rose, pierce and carved with King David playing the harp flanked by the maker’s initials I. K., the five-octave keyboard, FF to f3 omitting FF♯, with ivory naturals and ebony accidentals, four brass-knobbed hand levers controlling two 8ft. and one 4ft. stops on the lower manual and one 8ft. and 8ft lute stops on the upper manual, on trestle stand, the lower cabriole section with the knees carved with acanthus leaves, on claw and ball feet, inscribed on a boxwood plaque on the baton above the upper keyboard Jacobus Kirckman Londini fecit 1760, repairs to base,
90cm high, 232cm long, 94cm wide; 2ft 91/2 in., 7ft. 6in. 3ft.
Catalogue note