Travel, Atlases, Maps and Natural History

Travel, Atlases, Maps and Natural History

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 173. India—[Captain William Andrew Ludlow] | Bengal Troops on the line of March, A Panoramic Sketch, [1835].

India—[Captain William Andrew Ludlow] | Bengal Troops on the line of March, A Panoramic Sketch, [1835]

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Lot Details


India—[Captain William Andrew Ludlow]

Bengal Troops on the line of March, A Panoramic Sketch by an Officer of that Army. London: Day and Haghe, [1835]

hand-coloured zincographed title (218 x 280mm), lithographed text (120 x 510mm.), and 18 hand-coloured plates (each approximately 115 x 455mm.), each separately mounted, a few tears, some staining, occasionally heavy, sold as a collection of plates not subject to return


Abbey, Life 530