This Changed Everything: Source Code for WWW x Tim Berners-Lee, an NFT

This Changed Everything: Source Code for WWW x Tim Berners-Lee, an NFT

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Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Source Code for the WWW

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June 30, 06:01 PM GMT


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Description du lot

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OWNER: Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, b. 1955

Source Code for the WWW


Work includes:

  1. Original archive of dated and time-stamped files containing the source code, written between 3 October 1990 and 24 August 1991. These files contain code with approximately 9,555 lines, the contents of which include implementations of the three languages and protocols invented by Sir Tim; HTML (Hypertext Markup Language); HTTP (Hyper Transfer Protocol); and URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), as well as the original HTML documents that instructed early web users on how to use the application
  2. Animated visualization of the code being written (Video, black & white, silent), lasting 30 minutes 25 seconds
  3. A Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) representation of the full code (A0 841mm wide by 1189 mm high), created by Sir Tim from the original files using Python, with a graphic representation of his physical signature at lower right
  4. A letter written in the file (in “markdown” format) by Sir Tim in June of 2021, reflecting upon the code and his process of creating it

Non-fungible Token ERC-721

Minted on June 15, 2021, ed. 1/1

Smart Contract Address: 0x86ade256037d80d6d42df8df96d5be21cd25bd8f

Please note: Sotheby’s cannot guarantee that bidders who attempt to register after 2:00 PM EDT on June 29, 2021 will be approved in time to participate before the close of the auction.

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