The Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armour

The Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armour

全螢幕檢視 - 查看7A Kawari kabuto [unusually shaped helmet] and a Nanban do [cuirass] | The kabuto Edo period, 19th century | The cuirass Edo period, 17th century的1

The Property of an American Collector and Thence by Descent

A Kawari kabuto [unusually shaped helmet] and a Nanban do [cuirass] | The kabuto Edo period, 19th century | The cuirass Edo period, 17th century


May 11, 02:07 PM GMT


10,000 - 15,000 GBP


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The Property of an American Collector and Thence by Descent

A Kawari kabuto [unusually shaped helmet] and a Nanban do [cuirass] 

The kabuto Edo period, 19th century

The cuirass Edo period, 17th century 

the iron bowl of six plates forming a cone on which are attached six standing flanges, possibly meant to resemble a cloth bag, the large fukigaeshi [turnbacks] of stenciled leather and hanabishi mon, the shikoro [neck guard] with spaced lacing, the pigeon-breast do [cuirass] hinged in two pieces, with silver inlay, cow leather lining to the interior

The bowl to peak: 26 cm., 10¼ in.

The shikoro to peak: 32 cm., 12¼ in.