The Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armour

The Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armour

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 19. A fine Nimai-do gusoku [armour], Edo period, mid-18th century.

The Property of a European Collector

A fine Nimai-do gusoku [armour], Edo period, mid-18th century

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May 11, 02:19 PM GMT


70,000 - 90,000 GBP

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The Property of a European Collector

A fine Nimai-do gusoku [armour] 

Edo period, mid-18th century 

the koboshi-bachi [helmet bowl with small standing rivets] of sixty-four plates, rising into a copper-gilt five-stage tehen kanamono, the large turnbacks with koidegaku mon [crest] in copper-gilt on stenciled Dutch leather, the fukurin finely chased and engraved with floral scrolls, the four tier shikoro [neckguard] in black lacquer with kebiki odoshi [close-laced] in white and orange braid, red lacquer interior, the kuwagata-dai [stylised horns fixture] chased, engraved and applied with chrysanthemum flower heads among a profusion of leaves and foliate scrolls, with a central vajra hilt fitting, pierced with boar's eyes (inome), the maedate [forecrest] of a gilt ken [double-edged Buddhist ritual sword], the mempo with a broad yak bristle moustache and chin tuft, four-tier yodare-gake [throat protector], red lacquer interior, the do [cuirass] in two sections comprising of iron kiritsuke kozane [false lamellae] plates, further stenciled leather with lions among flowers, the braid consistent in all parts, with copper-gilt kanamono and fukurin, five tier sode [shoulder guards], chainmail kote [sleeves], six tassets of five-tiered kusazuri [skirt], the lining of the underskirt decorated with a wide border of stenciled leather, mail shino sunaete [shin guards] with gilt leather, with armour box 

Kozu Kobunka Museum, ed., Busho no haresugata, (Kyoto, 1991). 

Guiseppe Piva, Samurai: Opere della Collezione Koelliker e delle Raccolte Extraeuropee del Castello Sforzesco, (Milan, 2009), no. 19, pg. 68-69.

Kozu Kobunka Museum, Kyoto, Busho no haresugata, 1991. 

Palazo Reale, Milan, Samurai: Opere della Collezione Koelliker e delle Raccolte Extraeuropee del Castello Sforzesco, 2009.