The Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek Collection

The Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 138. A Dutch engraved glass beaker, 19th century | Gobelet en verre gravé, travail hollandais, XIXe siècle.

A Dutch engraved glass beaker, 19th century | Gobelet en verre gravé, travail hollandais, XIXe siècle

Lot Closed

July 12, 02:32 PM GMT


500 - 700 EUR

Lot Details


A Dutch engraved glass beaker, 19th century

the tapering body with flaring rim, decorated with a three-master with flying pennants and a windmill on a shore beneath the inscription T WELVAEREN VAN DE MOLERY VAN SERDAM (The prosperity of the mills of Serdam),

Height 19 cm.; diametre 9.2 cm.


Gobelet en verre gravé, travail hollandais, XIXe siècle

le corps cintré avec un col évasé, décoré d'un trois mats avec des drapeaux et un moulin sur la côte, portant l'inscription T WELVAEREN VAN DE MOLERY VAN SERDAM (La prospérité des moulins de Serdam)

Haut. 19 cm, diam. 9,2 cm.

Collection Professor Dr Drs Anton C.R. Dreesmann, Laren, inv. no H13;

His deceased sale, Amsterdam, Christie's, The Dr Anton C.R. Dreesmann Collection, part V, 16 April 2002 (BARBARA-2542), lot 1282, when acquired by Marianne Dreesmann; Collection Mrs Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek, Laren, inv. no H012;

Thence by inheritance to the present owners.


Collection Professeur Dr Drs Anton C.R. Dreesmann, Laren, inv. n° H13;

Sa vente, Amsterdam, Christie's, The Dr Anton C.R. Dreesmann Collection, part V, 16 avril 2002 (BARBARA-2542), lot 1282, acquis par Marianne Dreesmann;

Collection Mrs Marianne L. Dreesmann-van der Spek, Laren, inv. n° H012;

Par descendance jusqu'aux propriétaires actuels.

(Auction catalogue), The Dr Anton C.R. Dreesmann Collection, Christie's International UK Ltd, London, 16 April 2002, 5 vols, vol. V, cat. n° 1282, p. 283, ill. p. 283.


(Catalogue de vente), The Dr Anton C.R. Dreesmann Collection, Christie's International UK Ltd, London, 16 April 2002, 5 vols, vol. V, cat. n° 1282, p. 283, ill. p. 283.