The Collection of Hester Diamond Part I

The Collection of Hester Diamond Part I

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 116. The Plague at Pergamea; The Sicilian Games          .

Giovanni Francesco di Niccolò di Luteri, called Dosso Dossi

The Plague at Pergamea; The Sicilian Games

Auction Closed

January 29, 04:53 PM GMT


3,000,000 - 5,000,000 USD

Lot Details


Giovanni Francesco di Niccolò di Luteri, called Dosso Dossi

Tramuschio circa 1486 - 1541/2 Ferrara

The Plague at Pergamea;

The Sicilian Games

a pair, both oil on canvas

each: 23 by 66 in.; 58.5 by 167.5 cm. 


Please note that there is a guarantee and an irrevocable bid on this lot.
Commissioned by Alfonso I d'Este (1476 - 1534), Duke of Ferrara for his camerino d'alabastro, Castello Estense, Ferrara, circa 1518;
By descent to his son, Ercole II d'Este (1508 - 1559);
By descent to his son, Alfonso II d'Este (1533 - 1597);
From whom passed to Cardinal Scipione Borghese  (1577 - 1633), Rome, circa 1607;
By descent to Giovan Battista Borghese (1639 - 1717), Prince of Rossano, Palazzo Borghese, Campo Marzio, Rome (nos. 222 and probably 357 in the 1693 inventory);
José de Madrazo (1781-1859), Madrid, likely acquired during his stay in Rome between 1803-1819 and until at least 1856 (nos. 74 and 76 in his 1856 inventory);
Private collection, Europe, by the early 20th century;
Thence by descent in the family;
With Calypso Fine Art, Ltd., by 1999;
From whom acquired, 1999.
K. Christiansen, “Dosso Dossi’s Aeneas frieze for Alfonso d’Este’s Camerino,” in Apollo, January 2000, pp. 36-45, reproduced figs. 1 and 2;
A. Ballarin, Il camerino delle pitture di Alfonso I, Cittadella 2002, vol. I, pp. 397-404, cat. nos. P7 and P9, reproduced figs. 65-69; vol. II, passim; vol. IV, pp. 562-574;
D. Jaffe (ed.), Titian, exhibition catalogue, London 2003, pp. 101-103, reproduced, figs. 49 and 50;
V. Newhouse, Art and the Power of Placement, New York 2005, p. 274-275, reproduced figs. 271 and 272;
G. Fiorenza, Dosso Dossi: Paintings of Myth, Magic, and the Antique, University Park, PA 2008, pp. 73-75, reproduced p. 74, figs. 33 and 34;
N. Penny, ed., Collecting Sculpture in Early Modern Europe, New Haven 2008, pp. 238-239;
A. Colantuono, Titian, Colonna, and the Renaissance Science of Procreation: Eguicola's Seasons of Desire, Surrey 2010, the latter referenced p. 169, 172 and reproduced pp. 170-171, reproduced fig. 5.4;
R. Berzaghi, "Una segnalazione per le 'Storia di Enea' di Dosso Dossi," in Prospettiva, July-October 2010, no. 139-140, pp. 135-136, nos. 74 and 76, note 3; 
P. Humfrey, "More on Dosso's Aeneas Frieze," in Artibus et Historiae, no. 81, 2020, pp. 138, 143, 147 reproduced p. 140, figs. 4 and 5.
London, National Gallery, Titian, 19 February - 18 May 2003;
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, September - December 2006, on loan.