Style Paris: Ceramics and Furniture

Style Paris: Ceramics and Furniture

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 43. A Rococo carved and giltwood mirror, Italian, 18th century.

A Rococo carved and giltwood mirror, Italian, 18th century

Lot Closed

May 31, 01:38 PM GMT


8,000 - 12,000 EUR

Lot Details


A Rococo carved and giltwood mirror, Italian, 18th century 

decorated with foliage, shells and flowers 

Height 83 in; width 60½ in; Haut. 211 cm, larg. 154 cm


Miroir en bois sculpté et doré d’époque Rococo, Italie, XVIIIe siècle

à décor de rinceaux feuillagés, coquilles et fleurs 

Abell Auction, 26 February 2017, lot 85


Abell Auction, le 26 février 2017, lot 85