Snuff Bottles From A German Private Collection
Snuff Bottles From A German Private Collection
Lot Closed
February 10, 02:14 AM GMT
8,000 - 12,000 HKD
Lot Details
An Inside-Painted 'European Soldier and Liu Hai' Glass Snuff Bottle
By Ye Zhongsan, Dated Renyin Year, Corresponding to 1902
壬寅(1902年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫「騎兵二等卒」及劉海鼻煙壺 《壬寅秋月葉仲三》款
with sodalite stopper
h. 6.1 cm
Collection of Bob C. Stevens.
Sotheby's Honolulu, 26th March 1982, lot 222.
Sotheby's New York, 2nd December 1985, lot 135 (USD12,100).
Bob C. Stevens 收藏
Bob C. Stevens, The Collector's Book of Snuff Bottles, New York, 1976, no. 895.
Bob C. Stevens, 'Chinese Painting as Seen Through Snuff Bottles', Arts of Asia, January - February 1982, p. 95.
Bob C. Stevens,《The Collector's Book of Snuff Bottles》,紐約,1976年,編號895
Bob C. Stevens,〈Chinese Painting as Seen Through Snuff Bottles〉,《Arts of Asia》,1982年1-2月,頁95
Chinese Snuff Bottles and Dishes, Mikimoto Hall, Tokyo, 1978, cat. no. 303.
《Chinese Snuff Bottles and Dishes》,ミキモトホール,東京,1978年,編號303