Science: Books and Manuscripts
15 May - 25 May 2021 • London
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2 Avenzohar | Liber teisir, Venice, 1496, limp vellum, and other works
4 Bonus | Pretiosa margarita novella de thesauro, Venice, Aldus, 1546, modern leather
5 Boyle | Opera, Geneva, 1680-1695, 6 volumes, contemporary vellum
7 Georg Cantor | Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers. Chicago, 1915
8 Cardano | Somniorum Synesiorum, Basel, 1562, limp vellum
9 Caus | Von Gewaltsamen bewegungen, Frankfurt, 1615, contemporary vellum
10 [William Conybeare] | The Hyaena's den at Kirkdale, lithograph and poem, [1820s]
11 Copernicus | De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, Nuremberg, 1543, later boards, Rostock duplicate
12 Copernicus | Astronomia instaurata libri sex, Amsterdam, 1617, contemporary vellum
13 Charles Darwin | The Descent of Man, 1871, first edition, first issue, original cloth
14 Charles Darwin | Autograph letter signed, to Enrico Giglioli, on his research into chimpanzees, 1873
15 Charles Darwin | The Life and Letters, 1887, 3 volumes, presentation copy from Elizabeth Darwin
16 Henry de la Beche | Duria Antiquior, lithograph, 1830
17 De La Beche | Awful Changes, lithograph, 1830
18 Thomas Edison | Inscribed photograph, undated
19 Albert Einstein | Autograph letter signed, to his son Albert, 4 November [1915]
20 Ens | Thaumaturgus mathematicus, Cologne, 1651, contemporary vellum
22 Goclenius | Physiologia crepitus ventris, Frankfurt, 1607, and other works, calf with the arms of de Thou
23 Guazzo | Compendium maleficarum, Milan, 1608, contemporary vellum
24 Halfpenny | The art of sound building, London, 1725, contemporary calf
25 Stephen Hawking | Signed photograph, 1979
26 A. v. Humboldt | Autograph letter to the explorer and botanist Hinrich Lichtenstein, 1832?
27 A. v. Humboldt | Two autograph letters to the sculptor Ernst Rietschel in Dresden, 1857 and 1858
28 Jenner | An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae, London, 1800, half calf
29 Johannes de Sacrobosco | De sphaera, Venice, 1541, contemporary vellum, with other similar works
30 Kepler | Astronomia nova, [Heidelberg], 1609, disbound
32 Kircher | Arithmologia sive de abditis numerorum misteriis, Rome, 1665, old vellum
35 Maclaurin | A treatise of fluxions, Edinburgh, 1742, contemporary calf, 2 volumes
36 [Von Neumann] | typescript lecture notes
37 Oribasius Sardianus | Collectorum medicinalium, Paris, Torresani, 1555, calf gilt
38 Louis Pasteur | autograph quotation signed, undated
39 Louis Pasteur | signed cabinet photograph, 1892
41 Perspective | Tratado completo de diseño i pintura, [Madrid, 1865], manuscript on paper, half calf
42 Elizabeth Philpot | Autograph letter signed, to William Buckland, 26 June 1835
43 Piccolomini | Della sfera del mondo, Venice, 1561, later vellum
44 Pomponius Mela | De situ orbis, Antwerp, Plantin, 1582, vellum
45 Psellus | In physicen Aristotelis commentarii, Venice, Torresani, 1554, old vellum
46 Ramon y Cajal | Textura del sistema nervioso, Madrid, 1899-1904, 2 volumes, half calf
48 Rossello | Della summa dei segreti universali, Venice, 1565, modern boards
49 Rueff | De conceptu et generatione hominis, Frankfurt, 1587, later calf-backed boards
50 Scaliger | De emendatione temporum, Paris, 1583; Bressieu, Metrices astronomicae, Paris, 1581, vellum
51 Thomas Sopwith | Costume of the Glaciers [portrait of William Buckland], etching, [1830s]
52 Telecommunication | Early telegram sent by the submarine telegraph, 1851
53 Tricasso | Epitoma chyromantico, Venice, 1538 [but later], later vellum
54 Valverde de Amusco | Historia de la composicion del cuerpo humano, Rome, 1556, later calf
55 Vesalius | De humani corporis fabrica, Basel, 1555, modern crushed burgundy morocco
56 Alessandro Volta | autograph letter signed, to Canon Fromond, 12 August 1775
57 Witches | An authentick and complete history of witches and apparitions, London, 1759, modern buckram