Reflection and Enlightenment: Chinese Buddhist Gilt-Bronzes from the Jane and Leopold Swergold Collection

Reflection and Enlightenment: Chinese Buddhist Gilt-Bronzes from the Jane and Leopold Swergold Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3522. A gilt-bronze figure of a Buddhist devotee Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金銅供養人立像.

A gilt-bronze figure of a Buddhist devotee Tang dynasty | 唐 鎏金銅供養人立像

Auction Closed

October 12, 12:42 PM GMT


60,000 - 80,000 HKD

Lot Details


A gilt-bronze figure of a Buddhist devotee

Tang dynasty

唐 鎏金銅供養人立像

naturalistically cast depicting a standing female Buddhist devotee, both hands held in anjali mudra with dainty facial features set in a serene and contemplative expression, the pleated robe draping naturally down her body, partially veiling her two feet, her hair held up in a boat-shaped top knot

h. 8 cm

J.J. Lally & Co., New York, 2009.


Leopold Swergold, Thoughts on Chinese Buddhist Gilt Bronzes, Aventura, 2014, cat. no. 23.

Beatrice Chan, 'Reflection and Enlightenment: Chinese Buddhist Gilt Bronzes from the Jane and Leopold Swergold Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston', Arts of Asia, January/February 2018, pp. 58-65.

Leopold Swergold,《Thoughts on Chinese Buddhist Gilt Bronzes》,2014年,圖版23

Beatrice Chan,〈Reflection and Enlightenment: Chinese Buddhist Gilt Bronzes from the Jane and Leopold Swergold Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston〉,《Arts of Asia》,2018年1至2月,頁58-65

Reflection and Enlightenment: Chinese Buddhist Gilt Bronzes from the Jane and Leopold Swergold Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 2017-2018. 

《Reflection and Enlightenment: Chinese Buddhist Gilt Bronzes from the Jane and Leopold Swergold Collection》,休士頓美術館,休士頓,2017-2018年

This finely cast figure, in which the original gilding is unusually well preserved, depicts a female Buddhist devotee standing with hands held in anjali mudra. Her delicate face is set in an expression of serene contemplation, her hair tied in a boat-shaped top knot. The rectangular tang that projects from the base would have allowed the figure to be inserted into a slot on the original platform. A gilt-bronze figure of similar size and form is illustrated in Chinese Art from the Ferrris Luboshez Collection, University of Maryland Art Gallery, Baltimore, 1972, pl. 106.