Old Master Sculpture & Early Jewels

Old Master Sculpture & Early Jewels

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 49. Circle of Alessandro Vittoria (1525-1608) | Italian, Venice, early 17th century | The Evangelists John and Matthew.

Circle of Alessandro Vittoria (1525-1608) | Italian, Venice, early 17th century | The Evangelists John and Matthew

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December 7, 03:49 PM GMT


6,000 - 8,000 GBP

Lot Details


Circle of Alessandro Vittoria (1525-1608)

Italian, Venice, early 17th century

The Evangelists John and Matthew

bronze, on bronze bases

each base inscribed: F. F. P. MDCXI, and respectively incised: II and III

32.5cm., 12¾in. and 33cm., 13in.

Cyril Humphris, London;
Sotheby's New York, 29 January 2010, lot 404
The facial types, poses, and the style of the drapery on this pair of bronzes are analogous to Vittoria's figure of Winter (circa 1585) in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (see Bacchi, op. cit., no. 81) and the group of four Evangelists (particularly the John and Mark) now in the Capodimonte, Naples (Kryza-Gersch, op. cit., fig. 224). The letters FFP on each of the bases may refer to the patron who commissioned the figures.

C. Kryza-Gersch, 'New Light on Nicolò Roccatagliata and his son Sebastian Nicolini', Nuovi Studi, vol. 5, 1998, anno III, pp. 111-126 and pls. 192-230; Bacchi et. al., 1999, pp. 360-363; A. Bacchi et al., "La bellissima maniera": Alessandro Vittoria e la scultura veneta del Cinquecento, Trento, 1999